Present : Unit 181 Board Members: Marielle Brentnall, Doug Fisher, Shirley Galler, Barry Wolk, Keran Sanders, Dave West, Mike Shaw, Ray Hornby, Deloris Ankrom, Leigh Anne Shafer.
Also in attendance Bill Treble, Neil Kimelman, Jim Sanders

1. No new items added to the agenda
Marielle Brentnall called the meeting to order AT 5.00 PM.

2. Adoption of the agenda: Moved by Doug Fisher, Seconded by Mike Shaw Carried.

3. Minutes of Meeting May 10,2016 approved as printed. Moved by Keran Sanders, Seconded Deloris Ankrom Carried
Amendments to May 10 Meeting date incorrect on original amended to May 10, 2016
Word Seniors omitted
Amendment to Motion Pay the Unit 181 Members Card Fees in the Seniors competition if proceeding past the round robin’s stage.

4 No Business arising from the minutes.

5. Correspondence/Presidents Report. Complaint received re conduct of a member. This matter has now been referred to Bob Todd.

6. CBF update. Neil Kimelman President of CBF gave the following information.
Audrey Grant and the CBF are partnering with a cross country tour this will encompass a Teachers Workshop, and Multi-level workshop & Bridge for the Absolute Beginner. Various prices for attendance will be published . To take place in September further info will be provided.
Motion: Accept Audrey Grants Bridge Workshops in Unit 181, with dates to be arranged per her schedule. Moved by Doug Fisher, Seconded by Deloris Ankrom Carried

Neil continued his presentation, Bridge Week will be held here in Winnipeg in 2017. This is the CBF,S 50th anniversary. A Regional tournament will be held in conjunction with Bridge Week. This will be open to all players. We expect extra celebrations because of the 50th.
Unit 181 will run COPC Qualifiers September to December.

7. Treasures report. Leigh Anne Shafer presented a budget for 2016. Still in question is GST position which Ray Hornby is checking into. Presented Financial Statements.
Moved by Leigh Anne Shafer Seconded by Doug Fisher Carried.

8. Wooden tables currently in use are not acceptable. We will replace with our existing regular tables, and offer for sale the wooden tables for $20.00 each. First come first served, by our members and then list on KIJIJI

9. Saturday Team Games will revert to the Unit July 1, 2016. A proposal from Bill Treble to continue to operate these games was presented. Bill excused himself from the meeting.
Motion: Have Ambassador Club continue to operate the Saturday games until the last Sat in September 2016 under the same conditions under the existing contract. Moved by Dave West, Seconded by Keran Sanders. Carried.

10. Minutes of AGM May 7, 2016 were presented. To be posted on the Web Site. Only can be approved at the next AGM in 2017.

11. Special Committee struck to address Election procedures resented their report.
Report Accepted, Moved by Doug Fisher and Seconded by Ray Hornby Carried.

12.Special AGM will be held on June 25, 2016 for election of officers to Unit 181. This will be the only item addressed.3.30 pm After Saturday Team Game. There will be no refreshments supplied.
All Unit 181 Members who wish to run for Board Elections will provide a short Bio which will be published.

13. Long Term Planning, next meeting of South Winnipeg Community Centre will be held June 13, 2016. Shirley Galler and Deloris Ankram will attend to represent Unit 181 interests.

14. Membership Committee will attend Manitoba Seniors Games in Brandon with a display.

Meeting adjourned at 7.10 PM Moved by Mike Shaw, Seconded by Deloris Ankrom Carried

Shirley Galler
Recording Secretary