Present: Unit 181 Board Members:  Shirley Galler, Doug Fisher, Deloris Ankrom, Marsha Kimelman, Ray Hornby, Gloria Woloshyn, Marielle Brentnall, Gerri Hewitt, Dave West



Also attending Bill Treble, Sue Treble


Meeting held via Zoom


 President Doug Fisher chaired the meeting. Called to order 6.33 PM


Added to agenda September Sectional



1.      Minutes of Meeting June 9, 2022 approved as printed Moved by Gerri Hewitt , Seconded Deloris Ankrom  Carried


2.     Minutes of Annual Meeting June 11, 2022 cannot be approved until the next Annual Meeting but were proof read and found to be error free and ready to be posted


3.     Election of Officers for the year 2022-2023


President Ray Hornby Moved by Marsha Kimelman, Seconded by Marielle Brentnall Nomination Closed Carried

Vice President Marsha Kimelman Moved by Marielle Brentnall, Seconded Shirley Galler Nomination Closed Carried

Treasurer Marielle Brentnall, Moved by Shirley Galler, Seconded Ray Hornby Nomination Closed Carried

Secretary Shirley Galler Moved by Dave West, Seconded Deloris Ankrom Nomination Closed Carried


Executive for 2022-2023

Past President Doug Fisher

President Ray Hornby

Vice President Marsha Kimelman

Treasurer Marielle Brentnall

Secretary Shirley Galler


4.     Sectional Tournament.  Sectional will be held October 14, 15, 2022.We will have a 2 day tournament held at Soul Sanctuary Pair Games on Friday and Swiss Teams on Saturday.  Times and info will be forthcoming Doug will confirm availability with Allison of Soul Sanctuary. Discussion on a Director for this event Sue will check with Len and they will find out the status of their Tournament .Directors Certificates  they had written the exam prior to the Covid Shutdown.  Dave will sanction the event. Dave to get info on Types of Sectionals we can run on a 2 day basis and director requirements.


5.     Paulette Desaulniers has volunteered to Chair Special Events.


6.     Next meeting Monday July 18, 2022 4.00 PM via Zoom




Meeting adjourned 7.25 PM Moved Dave West, Seconded Marielle Brentnall  Carried


Shirley Galler, Secretary