Present Unit 181 Board Members:  Shirley Galler, Dave West, Marsha Kimelman, Deloris Ankrom, Kevin Tomanek, Gloria Woloshyn, Ray Hornby, Jacqueline Meyers, Marielle Brentnall

Regrets: Bob Neudorf

Also attending Freddie Mykytyshyn

Meeting held via Zoom.

New item added to agenda Computer, Molly Thariyil

Vice President Marsha Kimelman called the meeting to order at 4.03 PM, President Ray Hornby presided 4.06PM

Minutes of meeting March 12,2024 approved as posted.  Moved Deloris Ankrom, Seconded Tomanek

Financial report: Ray Hornby reported we are currently in a break-even position for 2024, game reports continue to look good.  2023 Financials will be reported at the AGM

The mentoring program continues.  Require a list of Mentors that are willing to participate. Will post on internet for volunteers.

Supervised play is extremely successful.  Capacity has almost been reached.  Discussion on a summer program ensued. Volunteers will be required to continue to operate.  Some players will be encouraged to play in the 199 games as they are ready to graduate.

The new Game 0-199 Thursday evening at last report had an average of 5- 7 tables attending.

Regional 2024 Dates set September 25-28, 2024.

Learn to play Bridge Next session of LTPB September 21.

Spring Sectional Dates April 11-13, 2024. The tournament was well attended with 75 tables in play over the 3 days.  The split of Thursday Evening and one session on Friday was well received as was the breakfast served Friday morning. This was supplied gratis but if included in future tournaments a charge will be considered. The 2-desk method of registering was very successful. Swiss team format will be reviewed.

Special Games Helen Shields was held Tuesday April 2, 2024.  Thanks, Dave, for a very successful event.

Tournament Chair is required.

Lessons Bill Treble will have a series commencing May 2024, Competitive Bidding, Defending, and 2/1.

Molly Tharyil would like to rent our facility on a Saturday in September following our team game. Ray will work out arrangements with Soul Sanctuary

AGM Saturday June 1, 2024. Meeting 11.00 AM, Lunch 12.00 Team Game 12.30PM

Computer System: Motion to price and purchase a new Computer, WiFi to allow us to use the bridge mates in both rooms, install restricted access, Windows 11.  Ensure capability with our existing printer and Bridge Mate Software Moved by Marielle Brentnall, Seconded Shirley Galler. Carried.

Next Meeting May 14, 2024, 4.00 PM via Zoom

Meeting adjourned 5.39 moved Shirley Galler, Seconded Deloris Ankrom

Shirley Galler Secretary