Present Unit 181 Board Members:  Shirley Galler, Dave West, Marsha Kimelman, Kevin Tomanek, Gloria Woloshyn, Ray Hornby, Jacqueline Meyers, Ken Goodridge, Barbara Parke

Regrets: Bob Neudorf

Meeting held via Zoom.

New items added to agenda Reimbursement amendment to last meeting motion.

Vice President Marsha Kimelman called the meeting to order at 4.01 PM, President Ray Hornby presided 4.10 PM

Ray welcomed new members Ken and Barbara.  

Minutes of meeting May 14,2024 approved as posted.  Moved Dave West, Seconded Jacqueline Meyers Carried.

Financial Report no update

Mentorship Gloria reported 4 new mentorships have begun. Suggested we require a document to outline parameters of what is Mentorship? and when this has been produced be updated to the website.

Supervised play will begin a new session. Freddie will run a biweekly team game on Tuesday evenings to familiarize the newer players with team events.

Executive for the year 2024-2025

Moved by Dave West, Seconded by Kevin Tomanek that the existing executive serve another year in their current positions.  Carried

President Ray Hornby

Vice President Marsha Kimelman

Secretary Shirley Galler

Treasurer Bob Neudorf

Regional 2024 Dates set September 25-28, 2024. New Chair is Ken Goodridge. Discussion on events, hospitality & program followed.  Ken will put together a program and forward by email to the board Updates next meeting.

Learn to play Bridge Next session of LTPB September 21. Beginner lessons to follow.

New computer in process of being installed and will be up and running early July

Facility lease renewal Ray is in negotiations with Soul Sanctuary.

Name Tags ordered and received, some to be returned re misspelling.

Motion made last meeting re reimbursement of card fees to be amended

Reimbursement: Amended Motion That any Unit 181 Team that completes the Round Robin of the CBF Bridge Week competition will be reimbursed card fees paid to play in further sessions.  This includes A, B, C, Seniors, Mixed and Women’s. Application for reimbursement to be made by the Team Captain.  Moved Dave West, Seconded Barbara Parke.  Carried. Ray reclused

ACBL have a “Jump Start” program Kevin will get more info.

Next Board Meeting Tuesday July 23, 2024 4.00 PM via Zoom

Meeting adjourned 5.11 moved Kevin Tomanek, Seconded Shirley Galler

Shirley Galler Secretary