September 11. 2014

Present: Doug Fisher, Shirley Galler, Barry Wolk, Ray Hornby, Marielle Brentnall, Marlene Pontifex, John Hindle, Paulette Migie, Debby Gnoinski, Mike Shaw, Deloris Ankrom.

New Items to be added: no new items to be added.

Motion – moved by Shirley Galler, that the minutes of the July 24th, 2014, board meeting be adopted as printed, seconded by Deloris Ankrom. Carried.

Review of the Bridge Club Operations to date – Doug picked up the lease from Ming and it will be forwarded to Brian Pauls for review, before finalizing the signatures. Shirley Galler distributed a report for the months of July and August and discussion followed. The net income was a plus. Marlene asked about a liquor license. We do not have one. Marielle will look into it. Sue Treble has been doing a complete vacuuming once a week, Ray and Marielle have been looking after garbage and recycling.

Unit Equipment Rental – Marielle brought copies of statements of what has been spent on the equipment. The equipment was bought in 2011, in 2012 $531.00 was spent and 2013 $640.00 was spent. The average maintenance cost will probably be around $600 per year. There will be a charge for other clubs to use the facility. The cards are being sold for $2.50 per deck. The Unit receives 25% of the revenue charged for the lessons. Free plays given by the clubs should be paid for by the clubs involved. Clubs using the machine may be charged 50 cents a table, whether they use it or not. A meeting with the club owners will be held to discuss this. The clubs have to have their own boards and cards. Discussion followed regarding the sale of a set of printouts. Mike Shaw will discuss it with the Kirkfield Westwood club. Marielle will have a meeting with the committee (Doug Fisher, John Hindle, and Jerry Cohen) next week and then after that the committee will meet with the club directors.

Special Events Update – Paulette reported. It was decided to keep the January tournament. Paulette has the schedule ready for the November tournament. Chairpersons are still needed, along with a food committee.

Marlene was asking about the site for the regional for 2016. John Hindle doesn’t have any information about it yet. Assiniboia Downs is not suitable for a tournament. It was suggested that the directors should please ask players to hold their discussions in the hall, rather than in the playing room, also to help with clean up.

The Gala Reopening will be held on October 17, 2014. This is a fund raiser and all participants are expected to purchase a ticket ($10). A raffle will be held to pick winners to play with some of the A players. The tickets will be sold at the tournament and the draw will be made Sunday night after the tournament and the winners names will be posted. The winners will play with their winning partner at the Gala on October 17th.

CNTC – Marlene reported. Bob Neudorf suggested one final instead of qualifiers. It was decided to keep the qualifier games. Marlene will ask Bob to organize the final. and Bill Treble to organize the qualifier games.

Bridge Week is being held in 2017 and Marlene suggested asking Neil Kimelman to manage this. It was decided that Marlene will ask Neil.

Rookie Master game – Marlene will ask George if he is willing to host this. It was suggested that the master players should not have to pay to play with a rookie.

Blue Book – Paulette reported. A lot of work is involved. The advertising in the Blue Book raised about $600 and this just offset the extra $600 in printing costs. It was decided to forego the advertising.

Doug Fisher reported that Maureen Marsch still has the charter for the Winnipeg Bridge Club and it has a gambling licence. Doug will get the charter from Maureen and will have Brian Pauls look at it. Marielle asked about someone who runs a Texas Hold Em game. Doug is familiar with it, reported on it and will look into it.

John Hindle asked about how many emails went out to the community. He suggested that one email goes out with upcoming events. Mike Shaw suggested that he will organize a page of events for the next few months and will update the calendar.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, October 9th, 2014.

The meeting adjourned at 7 p.m.