Minutes of Meetings

UNIT 181

Present : Unit 181 Board Members: Doug Fisher, Marielle Brentnall, Shirley Galler, John Hindle, Marlene Pontifex Len Doerksen, Ray Hornby, Mike Shaw, Bill Treble, Deloris Ankrom, Barry Wolk.
Also in Attendance Keran Sanders, Sue Treble

1. New items to be added to agenda
Meeting with Club Owners April 21, 2015

To Do List: Fridge Installed purchased from Cosco by Doug Fisher
Letter to Newcomers Draft presented by Doug Fisher, approved by the Board, will be forwarded to Teachers and Club Owners to hand out, including a Newcomer Packet. It is requested that any Telephone Numbers and or e-mail addresses received be passed on to Paulette Migie for inclusion into our Blue Book and into the Web address book. A business card will be produced with all pertinent Unit 181 information and will be available for any new player or visitor etc to have easy access to our Web Site Games etc.
New Duplimate Machine Dealer 4 Model has been purchased and is in operation. Thank you Dave Brough for the installation, and for the easy to comprehend operating instructions.

2. Minutes of Meeting February 26, 2015 Moved by Deloris Ankrom, Seconded by Marlene Pontifex Carried
Doug Fisher reiterated that all Unit 181 Board Meetings are open to all, but anyone attending must be recognized by the Chair before participating in any discussions, and cannot vote on any motions.

3. Facility Operations Financial Report for First Quarter 2015 was presented and accepted.

4. President Doug Fisher gave a recap of the report he will present at the AGM. Indicated we are ¼ through our lease of the Bridge Facility premises. Stated that Ming has sold the building, and Brian Pauls will be asked to advise us on having the existing lease assigned to the new owners. .Another thought was maybe we could get Bridge Manitoba on the Premise sign. .

5 .April Sectional was a success. Lower table count but still came in at a profit .Discussion ensued re the length of the Sunday Swiss. Complaints have been received that the day is too long. The September Sectional will be shortened to 6 games of 8 boards, time limits will be enforced, and boards will be removed. Announcements of no more boards to be started will be made. Slow play at any of our Tournament Events will not be tolerated.

6 .New Building: Marielle Brentnall reported that we will again apply for New Horizons Grant, New horizons have moved their operations to Alberta. A Workshop on applying for Grants will be held in Wpg. May 25, 2015. John Hindle and Paulette Migie will attend.
Shindico still does not have an update on the potential property behind Sobey’s we were interest in. .

7 Bridge Week 2017. Co-Chairs Don Pearsons and Dave Brough have been appointed. Event will be held at the Radisson Hotel, we will have 2 hospitality suites and FREE PARKING. This is a Canadian Championship Event, and we will approach Tourism Manitoba for a Grant. ‘

8. Regional 2016 Viscount Gort October 25-30. Schedule has been changed and will be printed. Deposit on the premises required by April 30. Hospitality will be changed, and there will be no lunches provided

9 Special Events: Stac Week May 4-10, 2015 World Pairs June 5-6, 2015. January 31, 2016 2 Session Swiss Team Event. November 2016 Sectional will be cancelled there will be a one day Swiss Event similar to January held instead. Barry will check on sanction requirements re a one day Swiss Event. Also with the CBF re qualifying events for Bridge Week 2017.
Bill Treble will have a Limited Sectional October 3-4, 2015.

10.AGM will be held May 2, 2015 following the Team Game. Shirley sent out invitations to all the Mini-Mckenny and Ace of Club Winners for the year 2014 to attend. Presentations will be made at t

11: Club Owners and Board Members met on April 21, at the Facility premises. Shared costs were discussed, and the assessment was agreed upon.
Election to the Board of Unit 181 will exclude Club Owners.
There will be a new Facility Committee struck of Club Owners and Board Reps to handle the day to day operations. Shirley Galler has been appointed and another will be appointed at a later date. Each meeting of the Unit Board will have an item on for a report.

Next Meeting AGM May 2, 2015 3.00 PM at the Facility
Next meeting of New Board May 7, 2015 at 5.30 PM at the Facility.

To Do List
Brian Pauls re Lease assignment
Business Cards
Workshop May 25 Paulette and John
Grant Application Tourism Manitoba
New Committee Facility and Owners
Sanction Clarification Barry
Long Term Planning Motion
Rena Coulter Memorial

Meeting adjourned at 6.50 PM moved by Marlene Pontifex seconded by Marielle Brentnall.

Shirley Galler
Recording Secretary.

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