Minutes of Meetings


Present : Unit 181 Board Members: Doug Fisher, Marielle Brentnall, Shirley Galler, John Hindle, Ray Hornby, Mike Shaw, Keran Sanders, Dave West, Leigh Anne Shafer, Barry Wolk.
Also in Attendance Bill Treble, Sue Treble, Len Doerksen.

1. New items to be added to agenda
Facility April Statement
Sectional and Regional Tournaments
Setting up Committees

To Do List:
Lease Assignment- Doug will request an update from Mings. Our legal advisor stated that there should not be a problem with having out current lease assigned, this is normal practice. If this is not forthcoming he will be proactive and write the new owners a letter.
Letter to Newcomers ready.
May 25 Workshop will be attended by Paulette Migie and John Hindle.
Grant application for Bridge Week 2017, info has been passed to Dave Brough Co-Chair . Marielle will follow up status with Dave.
New Committee for Club Room Operations. Doug Fisher and Shirley Galler will represent the Unit. All club owners and teachers will be invited to attend meetings. Proposal is to have a meeting held just prior to the scheduled Unit meetings.
Sanction Clarification. January 2016 Polar Bear Tournament was proposed to be only a one day event. To enable our members to receive silver points, we will have a 2 day event. Pairs games on Saturday and a Swiss Team event on Sunday.
Long Term Planning. Marielle Brentnall, Doug Fisher, John Hindle and Jerry Cohen will continue. With the new ownership of Mings it is hoped the new owners will be more approachable for a longer renewable lease when our current one expires.
Rena Coulter Memorial Game. Rena’s family sons Kevin and Derick Brothers will host a Memorial game in their Mothers honour on Wednesday June 3, 2015 at the Facility. Lunch will be served prior to the game which will be complementary. Rena’s family had requested donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation at the time of her passing, and envelopes will be available for attendees to make a donation if so desired.

Doug Fisher welcomed the new members of Unit 181 Board. Leigh Anne Shafer, Keran Sanders, and Dave West.
Thanked the outgoing members. Bill Treble, Len Doerksen, and Gerri Hewitt.

2. Minutes of Meeting April 23, 2015 Moved by Shirley Galler, Seconded by Mike Shaw Carried

3. Minutes of AGM May 2, 2015 stand as printed. Will be approved at AGM 2016
Doug Fisher reiterated that all Unit 181 Board Meetings are open to all, but anyone attending must be recognised by the Chair before participating in any discussions, and cannot vote on any motions.

4. Election of Officers. Doug Fisher stated he has over extended his term of presidency as stated in the current By-Laws of The Manitoba Contract Bridge League Inc.
New Board:
President Marielle Brentnall
1st Vice President Marlene Pontifex
2nd Vice President Paulette Migie
Secretary Deloris Ankrom
Treasurer Leigh Anne Shafer
Moved by Shirley Galler, Seconded by Mike Shaw. Carried

5. Facility Operations Financial Report for January to April 2015 was presented and accepted.

6. Programs for the Sectional Sept17-20 2015, and Regional October 25-30, 2016 were presented for approval and with a few minor changes, will be printed and distributed.
Thanks to Elsie Ball who informed the Board and to Sue Treble who went to inspect the tables and chairs that were surplus at the Wildwood Club that were for sale. .

7 Motion Moved by Doug Fisher, Seconded by Dave West that the 99 chairs and 19 tables be purchased for the Facility. Carried.
We will have surplus chairs and dispose of them by private sale and donations to Charities.

8. Committees for 2015
Special Events Paulette Migie
Sanctions Paulette Migie
Sectional and Regional Tournaments Paulette Migie
NAP Ray Hornby
CNTC conditional Ray Hornby
Web Update Mike Shaw.
Weekly e-mails to Members Mike Shaw
Facility Mgrs Doug Fisher, Marielle Brentnall, John Hindle and Jerry Cohen
New Building-John Hindle
Mentoring Ray Hornby until September 2015
Unit Facility Games Marielle Brentnall, liaison with Debbie Gnoinski
By Laws Review Mike Shaw, Dave West and Shirley Galler .

Some information on the above.
Mike will be sending out via e-mail a request to all Club Owners, Teachers, and Facility for updates on special games, Will request replies by Fridays and will send out e-mails on Sunday. Mike will update the Calendar on the Web Site from this information.
New members committee will be speaking to Doreen Olson who teaches Grade 6 Bridge at Grosvenor School. They will be contacting schools and universities re teaching possibilities.

9. World Wide Pairs Games will be held early June. Ambassador will be hosting the Saturday Game. Table fees will be increased, and as per Unit 181 policy sanction fees will be subsidized. Facility will run the Friday Game.

10. Fund Raisers, Special Games, Pot Luck dinners were discussed. One is scheduled for October. It was noted we could require a Food Handlers permit if we do many of these fund raisers and of course do serve food at our Tournaments. Gisele and Pete will be asked to take the one day course and acquire the License

Next Meeting June 11, 2015 at 5.30 PM at the Facility.

To Do List
Lease Assignment
Business Cards
Workshop May 25 Paulette and John
Grant Application Tourism Manitoba
Rena Coulter Memorial
By laws Committee updates

Meeting adjourned at 7.15 PM moved by Mike Shaw seconded by Paulette Migie.

Shirley Galler
Recording Secretary.

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