Minutes of Meetings


Present : Unit 181 Board Members: Doug Fisher, Marielle Brentnall, Shirley Galler, John Hindle, Ray Hornby, Keran Sanders, Dave West, Leigh Anne Shafer, Barry Wolk, Deloris Ankrom, Marlene Pontifex, Paulette Migie.
Also in Attendance Bill Treble.

1. New items to be added to agenda
Banking Resolution
To Do List:
Business Cards- Paulette has the original and will arrange for more to be brought to the premises
Rena Coulter Memorial Game held June 3, 2015 there were 20 tables. Rena’s Son Kevin Brothers expressed his appreciation for Unit 181 hosting this game.
Food License Gisele, Pete and Paulette will attend in September to achieve this.
Grant Application workshop was attended by Paulette Migie and Dave West. This will be addressed later in the meeting
Lease Assignment will be addressed later in the meeting.
By-Laws deferred to next meeting.
Grant Application Tourism Manitoba deferred to next meeting

2. Minutes of Meeting May7, 2015 Approved as printed Moved by Doug Fisher, Seconded by Paulette Migie Carried

3. Correspondence: The Board received a letter from a Unit Member concerned that the Annual Meeting was held at a different time than previously advertised. Also asking a question re our Annual Financial Statements.
President Marielle Brentnall will reply to this. Basically the decision was made to move up the time of the meeting as there were 60 people in attendance at 12.00 PM. The Board will ensure that any future meetings will be held at the time published. Our Financial Matters are reviewed by Barb Lillie.

4. Facility Operations Financial Report for January to May 2015 was presented, and accepted.. A Financial Report on operations from July1 2014 to May 31 2015 was also presented and accepted .Note we are in line with the original budget that was made at the time of our leasing the premises.

5. Mentoring Unit 181 Board are making no changes to the current program. All Clubs are encouraged to continue to participate. .

6. Treasurers Report: A review of the operating income and expenses for the years 2005-2014 was presented.

7. Budget for the year 2015 was introduced. Motion that Unit 181 adopt the 2015 Budget as presented. Moved by Doug Fisher, Seconded by Keran Sanders. Carried.

8. Surplus chairs have been picked up by MCC.

9. Special Events: Red River Regional 2016 will be held at the Viscount Gort Hotel, Deposit has been made. Programs are now complete. Mass e-mails will be sent out to surrounding areas after October 2015.
September17-20 2015 Sectional plans are complete. Programs have been printed.
NAP Qualifying Games are in progress for the period June to August 2015
CNTC A chair person is required.

10. Membership Committee Report. Chair John Hindle stated an initial meeting of the committee had been held Members Keran Sanders, Dave West and Jim Sanders and Mavis Bolman. Are producing a welcome kit for new members and all students who are taking lessons. And will Include updating our data base. Suggested a Special Game be held focusing on the social aspect. This would make the initial introduction to duplicate bridge in a more comfortable environment. We must enforce Zero Tolerance. Plans are to send a letter to all existing Unit Members reiterating that Zero Tolerance is practiced in Unit 181.
Leigh Anne Shafer will be in charge of School Education. U of M will be a focus, with Jenna Tichon providing assistance

11. Face book page will be created by Keran Sanders.

12 .Doreen Olson brought her Grade 6 students to the Club on June 8 for their windup. The 8 students were partnered with Unit 181 members. The Principal, Science Teacher and Resource Teacher from Grosvenor School also attended. This Bridge instruction is a part of the Math program at the school. Marielle will send a letter to the school acknowledging this event and complementing them on their education foresight.

13. Fundraising: Paulette Migie and Dave West attended a Grant Workshop. Unit 181 will fit into this grant, applications must be in by July 10, 2015. Emphasis is on Aging. We require Community “Partner”, also must have specific projects stated. Committee will hold a special meeting Sat June 13, 2015.

14. Communications: Marielle will meet with Mike Shaw to clarify what we require on this subject.

15. New Ownership of Building: Marielle and Doug met with Barry Keith from Continental Sports Inc. who have purchased the Mings complex. Good news. Continental are receptive to long term leases and long term tenants. Plans are to upgrade the common area, the washrooms, grounds, provide garbage and recycling. We will continue to have our 16 Parking Stalls. Note parking on the side of the building will be limited to the East side only. We are requesting that our lease be re-opened and extended for up to 10 years. Security of the building will also be reinforced.

16. Banking Resolution: Moved by Marlene Pontifex, Seconded by Shirley Galler that Marielle Brentnall, Deloris Ankrom, Doug Fisher and Leigh Anne Shafer be listed on The Credit Union Bank Account as able to sign documents and cheques. Carried.

Next Meeting July 9, 2015 5.30 PM at the Facility.

To Do List:
Grant Application Tourism Manitoba
By laws
Food License September
Grant Application July
New Members Kit
Banking Resolution

Meeting adjourned at 7.30 PM Moved by Paulette Migie Seconded by Doug Fisher Carried
Shirley Galler
Recording Secretary

Please add to your minutes of June 11, 2015 Meeting

Facility Committee meeting held June 3, 2015.

Doug Fisher and Shirley Galler attended along with Bill and Sue Treble, Carolyn Douglas, Lorraine Serlin, Sekhar, and Debbie Gnoinski.
Doug gave the following recap of the meeting.

Doug Fisher chaired the meeting, many items were discussed on the operating side of our Facility. Garbage was a main concern. This problem rectified with the advent of the new owners of the Building, providing dumpsters and recycling bins.
Cards are required to be replaced as needed to keep our players and the new Duplimate Machine happy.
Maintenance of chairs, tables will be handled by Doug. Air conditioning unit and light bulb replacement will be handled by Len Doerksen.
Any new games and lesson schedules must be brought before the Unit Board for approval. We request this done in writing.
A request for a listing of the Cleaning Staff Duties was requested.
Temperature settings were addressed. When not in use in the summer set at 81 degrees. Game time settings will be 73 degrees. The directors are the only persons authorized to be in control of the thermostat. A notice will be posted to this effect, and the directors will announce this at their games.
Clubs have been requested by the ACBL to ensure that the web site reflects what is listed on their club sanctions.
Kitchen, Sue treble will be purchasing all supplies and restocking the fridge. Plans for the next Facility Committee meeting will be prior to the next scheduled Unit Board Meeting

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