Present : Unit 181 Board Members: Doug Fisher, Marielle Brentnall, Shirley Galler, John Hindle, Dave West, Leigh Anne Shafer, Barry Wolk, Paulette Migie, Mike Shaw
Also in Attendance Bill Treble.
1. New items to be added to agenda
Presidents Report
2. Minutes of Meeting June 11, 2015 Approved as printed Moved by Doug Fisher, Seconded by Paulette Migie Carried
3. Presidents Report
Business Cards have been produced, will be rerun to reflect the closing of the Hearty Hearts Club.
CNTC Co-ordinator is required Marielle will arrange to have the position filled.
Banking require a resolution to change signatories, Credit Union require that everyone appear in person to sign the cards.
Facebook has been set up.
Zero Tolerance letter has been prepared and forwarded to the Membership Committee.
Grant Application for New Horizons has been completed and will be submitted prior to the deadline.
Correspondence ACBL update was circulated.
Suggestion from Arthur Blankstein was received, Marielle will reply to him.
Progressive Sectionals could have merit for our Unit. Basically games are played at the clubs during a selected week, and a final played on a Saturday or Sunday which would give silver points to ½ of the field. Barry will check into and report at the next meeting.
4. Facility Operations Financial Report for January to June 2015 was presented, and accepted. A Financial Report on operations from July1 2014 to June 30, 2015 covering our first year of operations was also presented and accepted .Note we are in line with the original budget that was made at the time of our leasing the premises.
Doug recapped the Facility meeting held July 6, 2015 this was attended by Doug and Shirley for the facility, and Bill and Sue Treble, Len Doerksen, Lorraine Serlin, Sekhar, & Debby Gnoinski for the club operators. Garbage bins are now available. Club owners have complied with the ACBL requests that all sanctions and web site games are in compliance. Mentoring issue was debated, club owners are not in agreement with the present mentoring policy. Clubs are requested to put into writing any requests for game changes, teaching requests to coordinate times of operation. An update of the new ownership of the building was given. Discussion on expanding facility usage took place. Cards will be replaced on a timely basis. Duplimate machine maintenance was questioned.
Note: Re Duplimate Bob Todd and Dave Brough will be in contact with the manufacturer to prepare a list of requirements. Report at next meeting
5. Motion: Unit to take over operating the Mentoring Program, all games will be played and slips honoured at Facility run games only. Moved by Doug Fisher, Seconded by John Hindle, Carried. .
6. With no prior notice to the Unit George Lee ceased operations June 30, 2015 of the Hearty Hearts Bridge Club which was run on Tuesday Evenings. George had a 3 year contract with the facility dated July 1, 2014.It was stated that the ACBL had given him an ultimatum to conduct his games according to their rules which he did not accept. Unit will take over that slot and run pairs games at 7.15 PM.
7. Special Events: September Tournament all positions are filled and programs have been printed.
8. Membership Committee: Consists of 6 members chaired by John Hindle. Kudos have been received from members appreciating the letter sent out by the committee. Will acknowledge receipt of the letters. From the replies received we must continue to work on welcoming new members when they come to their first game.
Currently working on a New Members Kit.
Plan to follow up Monthly ACBL Membership Report.
No July meeting of the committee is planned.
9. Fundraising: New Horizons Grant Application under the Outreach program has been completed and will be submitted. The committee attained 10 “Support” and 6 “Partnership” letters to include with the application. It was brought to the Boards attention that several of our existing members are interested in donating to the Unit. We would be very receptive to this.
10. Planning Committee: Will be asking members to assist in producing a list of Special Games we could run at the Facility.
11. Communications: A weekly e-mail is planned, requests will be made to club owners to submit a list of any specials they will be running and this will be included in the mass e-mail.
12. Long Term Planning: New owners of the building Continental Sports are very receptive to a long term lease. This is still in negotiation, but expect little changes in rate over the new period. We are requesting leasehold improvements, more electrics and new carpeting etc. Further update next meeting.
13. Food Handling : Courses will be taken first by Sue Treble, Paulette Migie and Gisele and Pete Gagnon.
14. Marielle will contact the ACBL re a Training Session for Unit Board Members it has been at least 10 years ago that one was held here and we have many new Board Members elected since then
15. Zero Tolerance: Unit 181 endorse this policy and intend to be pro- active. A document will be produced stating penalties that will be assessed for infractions. This will be posted and will apply to all Unit run games at the Facility and Tournaments.
16. Suggestion was received that the Facility should have a Central Partnership Person who would have a team of people on call on specific days to ensure that all people requesting partners could be accommodated. It is noted that the private clubs already ensure that partners are provided.
Next Meeting August 20, 2015 5.30 PM at the Facility.
To Do List:
Grant Application Tourism Manitoba
By laws
Food License
New Members Kit
Banking Resolution
Zero Tolerance Document
Business Cards
Progressive Sectionals
ACBL Training Session
Central Partnership
Duplimate Machine Maintenance Schedule
Meeting adjourned at 7.10 PM Moved by Mike Shaw, Seconded by Paulette Migie Carried
Shirley Galler
Recording Secretary