Minutes of Meetings

MINUTES OF MEETING August 20, 2015

Present : Unit 181 Board Members: Doug Fisher, Shirley Galler, John Hindle, Leigh Anne Shafer, Barry Wolk, Paulette Migie, Keran Sanders
Also in Attendance Neil Kimelman Bill Treble.

1. New items to be added to agenda
CBF Update
Unit Games

Doug Fisher called the meeting to order.

Neil took the floor and updated the Board on the highlights of the CBF Board of Directors Meeting held in May 2015.Neil will become President of the CBF in 2016. CBF Fees will increase to $18.00 January 1, 2016.
Surtax on teams will be lifted. Women’s Teams will again be held in conjunction with Bridge Week .Bridge Canada will post a new bulletin 6 times a year on line accessible by members of the CBF. Website is being up- graded. Online Championships will be held in October for Flights A,B,C. Winnipeg will host the 2017 Bridge Week in April . The Radisson Downtown has been booked. FREE PARKING. We will receive a hospitality funding rated per team. There will be 2 hospitality rooms on the 15 th floor and we will be able to bring in our own food etc. Suggest Breakfast and after game hospitality. Premises are 8000SqFt and will be ample for the event.

2. Minutes of Meeting July 9, 2015 Approved as printed Moved by Paulette Migie, Seconded by Leigh Anne Shafer Carried

3. Presidents Report unavailable, Marielle unable to attend.

Outstanding Items:
4. New Lease of Premises deferred to next meeting.
5. Bylaws review deferred to next meeting.
6. Sue Treble Gisele and Pete attended the Food License Course.
7. Banking resolution deferred to next meeting
8. Grant Application Tourism Manitoba deferred to next meeting
9. New Members Kit deferred to next meeting
10. Zero Tolerance Document deferred to next meeting.
11. ACBL Training Session deferred to next meeting
12 Progressive Sectionals Barry reported not a popular item. Not stratified and will be inappropriate to run in our Unit.
13. Central Partnership is a work in progress Leigh Anne producing a grid with approximately 24 people who will be on call on specific days,
14. Duplimate Machine Maintenance, Bob Todd will produce a schedule of maintenance and Debby Gnoinski will be in charge of maintaining it.
15. January Tournament Sanction to be revised into a 2 day tournament Barry looking after this.
16. Duplimate Machine unfortunately has not been paid for. A cheque was written tonight and will be mailed to supplier. Shirley to mail.

Bridge Education:
17.Bernia will no longer give Bridge Lessons. Motion: Moved by Shirley Galler Seconded by Leigh Anne Shafer that Alexa Campbell will teach the Monday Night Class. Carried.

18 Motion Moved by Shirley Galler Seconded by Paulette Migie that Doug Fisher will do a series of lessons for advanced and intermediate players. Wednesday Mornings Conventions and Logic, Friday Mornings Weak No Trumps and 2 over 1 commencing in November. Carried.

19. Bill Treble is planning a Thursday Night series of lessons to be brought to the Board for approval next meeting.

20 The motion passed ;last meeting re “Unit to take over operating the Mentoring program where all games are to be played at the Unit Facility run Games is amended: Amendment at the request of Loraine Serlin that the Bridge At The Centre Club be allowed to continue to participate in this program. Moved Paulet Migie Seconded Keran Sanders. Carried.

21. Facility Operations Financial Report for January to July 2015 was presented, and accepted. Note we are in line with the original budget that was made at the time of our leasing the premises.
Doug recapped the Facility meeting held August 19, 2015 this was attended by Doug and Shirley for the facility, Alexa Campbell, Carolyn Douglas, & Debby Gnoinski for the club operators. Updated operators on the Duplimate Maintenance Program. Updated the fact that there will be no interruption in games while the building is under construction. Outside building construction to be completed within 2 weeks,
Concerns were expressed upon the condition of the chairs, teaching room has become a storage area and is extremely messy. Website posting of games was changed and none of the directors were aware of this causing postings to be almost unreadable, and extreme anxiety on the operators.
Parking in designated spots example Wall Grain are not permitted. Our members must be again made aware of this.
RE Chairs Doug will contact Don Smith and Jan Bailey re solutions to the grime and the requirement for re stuffing.
Re: Teaching room clean up Doug will contact Alex Campbell and ask her to handle same Carpeting on rest.
Discussion by the Board on flooring for the facility thought was given to an entrance through to the kitchen with flooring similar to what has been installed in the common hall area. It was noted the noise factor could be extreme if we requested the tiles on the whole area.

22. Special Events: September Tournament everything is a go.
23. New Vacuum required for the facility. Moved by Paulette Migie, Seconded by John Hindle that a new Vacuum be purchased. Carried. Pete to purchase same.
24 Membership no report.
25. Facility is now running the Tuesday night game. The hospitality provided was questioned and a request to upgrade same was made. Timing of 7.15 also questioned. We will not alter the time start.
26. Communications: It was noted that the weekly e-mail of events was not sent for 2 weeks will request Mike to continue to forward on a weekly basis.
27. Fundraising. It was stated that the Winnipeg Casino run Bingo games can be entered into partnership with volunteers from organizations. This will be looked into and reported next meeting.
28. Long Term Planning deferred to next meeting.
29. Mentoring Program deferred to next meeting.

Next Meeting September 24, 2015 5.30 PM at the Facility.

To Do List:
Grant Application Tourism Manitoba
By laws
New Members Kit
Banking Resolution
Zero Tolerance Document
ACBL Training Session
January Tournament Sanction
Teaching Room Clean up

Meeting adjourned at 7.00 PM Moved by Paulette Migie, Seconded by Leigh Anne Shafer Carried

Shirley Galler
Recording Secretary

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