Present : Unit 181 Board Members: Marielle Brentnall, Doug Fisher, Shirley Galler, Leigh Anne Shafer, Barry Wolk, Paulette Migie, Marlene Pontifex, Dave West,. Ray Hornby, Mike Shaw, Keran Sanders Also in Attendance Bill Treble, Jenna Tichon, Jim Sanders
1. No new items to be added to agenda.
Marielle Brentnall called the meeting to order.
2. Minutes of Meeting September 24, 2015 Approved as printed Moved by Dave West, Seconded by Mike Shaw. Carried
3. Business arising from the minutes
Special Events .199 events for the November Sectional. Preregistration is required and has been completed at the moment 8 prs have signed up for the pairs game, have 1 team and will canvas for an additional 2 to allow game to be held. Doug Fisher will man the 199 registration table to sell entries and to welcome the players.
Outstanding Items:
4. New Lease of Premises deferred to next meeting.
5. Bylaws review deferred to next meeting.
6. Chairs – discussions held re a shim to heighten the seats, one will be prepared to demonstrate on the chair that has been re upholstered. Deferred to next meeting.
7. Grant Application Tourism Manitoba deferred to next meeting
8. Zero Tolerance Document deferred to next meeting.
9. ACBL Training Session deferred to next meeting.
10. Learn Bridge in a Day Licence to be purchased
11. Correspondence: Marielle reported she has received an request by an interested corporation to supply us with playing cards and or convention cards with their advertising on it. Marielle will express our interest in this and will report at the next meeting.
12. Tuesday Evening Facility Game. Jenna Tichon presented a proposal to take over the running of this game.
Jenna stated Leigh Anne has done a super job of getting this game off and running. But with the continuing rotation of volunteer directors, problems with no keys to enter the premises, lack of food etc. Jenna announced she was ready to step in and run this game.
Motion: Moved by Doug Fisher, Seconded by Mike Shaw that Jenna Tichon be in charge of the Tuesday Evening Game with the same arrangements for Directing Fees as other Facility run games. Carried.
13. Bill Treble asked to address the Board. His subject was about the Long term lease we are in the process of negotiating. He had 3 comments about the Unit entering into a long term lease. 1. Concern about the Facility run games number of tables at each game. Suggested more tables could be gotten by more telephone calls. 2. The 3 private clubs renting from the facility are they willing to commit to a long term arrangement. Suggested the facility run more games. Concern that there would be increased rents in the later years of the contract. Parking is an issue.3. Suggested that we require a business model such as the one produced when the Tuxedo Club entered into an agreement with premises on Erin St. Bill was thanked for his presentation.
14. Facility Report Meeting held on Nov 4 attended by Doug and Shirley for the Unit and Bill , Sue, Len and Debby for the Facility. Update on Premise. Bathrooms will be re done. One at a time and there will be a men’s on the main floor that will be available while under construction. Chair recovering a sample is on site. It is felt the chairs are still too low. A suggestion of placing a shim under the seat was made and will be done on the sample chair. Special meeting with the facility renters will be called to discuss the terms of the long term lease. Date to be announced. Card fees will need to be increased after the new lease takes place, and a suggested amount of $1.00 per game was discussed.
15. Parking is an issue. A diagram of the parking lot and the spots we will be allowed to park in will be produced and distributed by mass e-mail. Paulette Migie in charge.
16. Treasurers Report. Facility is on budget.
17 .Building Owners have listed a complaint about the condition we are leaving the washrooms. This must be addressed, as their other suggestion was that we put in our own washrooms, which is not an option.
18. New Lease Committee still in negotiation with Continental Sports. The noise from the Dance Studio will be addressed, by demising the walls. Bathroom reconstruction will commence next week. Security has yet to be addressed.
19. We will be asking our members for their opinion on the long term lease, and any other matters they wish to bring forward. A suggestion box will be provided.
20 Special Events. The three currently planned, November Sectional, Anniversary Celebration and the NAP are set to go.
21. Membership up date. 25 New member’s kits are available. Ft. Garry Pal 55/Expo on living was held October 27 we had a table. 19 people expressed interest in Bridge, and each one will be contacted. Suggested we offer them a free game to try us out. Lessons will also be promoted. Alexa would give these.
22. Social Bridge. Games are being planned. 20 boards, Home Style Bridge format Suggested fee $5.00 Keran Sanders in charge
Next Meeting December 10, 2015 5.30 PM at the Facility.
To Do List
Grant Application Tourism Manitoba
By laws
Zero Tolerance Document
ACBL Training Session
Fund Raising Bridge Week 2017
Learn Bridge in a Day License
Social Bridge
Mentoring re-vamp
Holiday Monday Games
Fort Garry Expo on Living follow up
Meeting adjourned at 7.30 PM Moved by Doug Fisher, Seconded by Ray Hornby Carried
Shirley Galler
Recording Secretary