Present: Unit 181 Board Members: Marielle Brentnall, Doug Fisher, Shirley Galler, Barry Wolk, Dave West, Ray Hornby, Leigh Anne Shafer, John Hindle, Bob Kuz, Joan Clasen, Keran Sanders
Also in attendance Bill Treble, Carolyn Douglas, Jenna Tichon, Neil Kimelman, Dave Brough
Marielle Brentnall called the meeting to order AT 5.00 PM.
1. Adoption of the agenda: Moved by Bob Kuz, Seconded by Dave West Carried.
2. Minutes of Meeting July 12,2016 approved as printed. Moved by Shirley Galler, Seconded Joan Clasen Carried.
3. No Business arising from the minutes.
4. Bridge Week 2017—Neil Kimelman presented a listing of items required to successfully run this event. A Regional Tournament will be held at the same time. There are to be fund raising events to provide hospitality. Volunteers will be required for Hospitality, Board Duplication, Room Set Up, Transportation of tables, CBF have rented the hotel.
Dave Brough joined the meeting later and explained that there will be fund raising games similar to the one held in early August. Dave stated that these games will be better advertised, and the style of game will be better explained so all of our members will understand the concept. There will be 5 Texas Holdem Poker Games also for fundraising. Hospitality will require 2 Chairs. Further info to be provided.
5. Audrey Grant Day 1 is a Teachers workshop, Day 2 Bridge for the Absolute Beginner Sept 25 and 26. This event is advertised on our web site and brochures are at the Facility. We have the capacity for 28 tables of people to attend.
6. Chairs we will proceed with the purchase of new chairs for the Facility. Marielle will co-ordinate with Arthur Blankstein on the design, will circulate a picture to the board members via email. We require a good quality stackable chair one style only. Motion to approve will be brought forth at the next meeting when all particulars are known.
We will offer our members an opportunity to “purchase their chair. A plaque will be engraved with their name and placed on a chair. Further details as to price etc will be forth coming.
7.Motion: Moved by Dave West, Seconded by Doug Fisher that we adopt Option 2 of Video Options report. A 60 inch and a 40 inch, purchase price to be capped at $2,000.00 including all warranty, taxes and wall mounts. To be funded from the Horizon Grant Carried.
8. Motion: Moved by Doug Fisher, Seconded by Ray Hornby that the quote from Telecom Options to upgrade the Paging System, and Network cabling be accepted. Price $1,991.00 To be funded from the Horizon Grant. Carried.
9. Treasures report. Leigh Anne Shafer presented Financial Statements to July 18, 2016
Moved by Leigh Anne Shafer Seconded by Doug Fisher Carried.
Motion: Moved by Joan Clasen, Seconded by Bob Kuz that the Steinbach Credit Union signing authority be changed. Deloris Ankrom removed and replaced by Shirley Galler. The four signatories on this account will be Marielle Brentnall, Doug Fisher, Leigh Anne Shafer and Shirley Galler. Carried.
10. Facility Report. Doug Fisher reported on meeting held August3, 2016. In attendance Doug Fisher and Shirley Galler for the Facility and Carolyn Douglas, Bill Treble, Sekhar and Debbie Gnoinski for the Club Owners and Operators. Facility Supplies purchases, were discussed, Doug and Shirley are currently purchasing. A white board has been installed in the kitchen, and it is requested that any supplies needed be listed on this board. Communications need improvement. An example given was the special funding Game held where there was limited information. Special Games need to be advertised. A board has been purchased, and all events for the balance of 2016 are now listed. Lighting was mentioned as needing upgrading. Other items:
Name Tag information was provided. Bob Kuz will coordinate and arrange for our members to purchase a name tag.
Clarification of Supervised Play games held during Tournaments was requested. Unit 181 Board agree that these games
can be held at that time.
Publishing of Blue Book was discussed. We will publish one in early 2017. Paulette Migie will update her current listing. It was decided that these books will be available for purchase at $2.00 each.
Sunday Afternoon Facility game has been cancelled until further notice. When reinstated, will have a new format. This will be noted on the web site.
Leasing update, we are currently again in negotiations with the Landlord.
11. Strategic Planning Meeting will be Sunday October 2, 2016 at the Facility 9-12.
12. Next meeting Tuesday September 13, 2016 5.00 PM at the Facility
Meeting adjourned at 7.10 PM Moved by Bob Kuz, Seconded by Dave West Carried
Shirley Galler