Present: Unit 181 Board Members: Doug Fisher, Shirley Galler, Barry Wolk, Dave West, Ray Hornby, Leigh Anne Shafer, John Hindle, Bob Kuz, Joan Clasen, Marlene Pontifex, Deloris Ankrom.
Also in attendance Bill Treble, Carolyn Douglas, Jenna Tichon
First Vice President John Hindle called the meeting to order at 5.10 PM.
1. Adoption of the agenda: Moved by Doug Fisher, Seconded by Marlene Pontifex Carried.
2. Minutes of Meeting August 23,2016 approved as printed. Moved by Dave West, Seconded Joan Clasen Carried.
3. Business arising from the minutes. Name tags procurement Bob Kuz to handle. Paulette Migie will be contacted re the Blue Book publishing.
4. Colours of Autumn Tournament held previous weekend. 127 tables in play showed a modest profit. Knockouts were held with a carry over. This brought numerous complaints. Decision of the Board was to return to the old system with no carry over just a straight knockout format. We need to encourage 0-299 players to attend our tournaments and especially the upcoming Regional. Suggestion was to use one of our free Sundays prior to the Regional to hold a Learn to Play Teams free event where they can learn this is a fun event and format and scoring can be explained.
John Hindle will visit the intermediate and Play of the Hand games to advertise the Regional Tournament and bring the message of the Sunday Fun Swiss Team Game.
5. Audrey Grant Day 1 is a Teachers workshop, Day 2 Bridge for the Absolute Beginner Sept 25 and 26. Tickets for this event are almost sold out. Advertisement was placed in the Winnipeg Community Newspapers which consists of a total of 6 Newspapers. Press releases are in the planning stage.
6. Chairs we will proceed with the purchase of new chairs for the Facility. 3 sample chairs were at the Facility. 2 styles one with arms one without. Poll at the meeting thought we should purchase 50 % of each. North South would have the arm chairs and the others would be placed at the east west positions.
There is a 15 year warranty on the proposed chairs. No decision was forthcoming. There will be e-mail communications on the purchase and any decision made will be ratified at the next meeting. We will offer our members an opportunity to “purchase their chair. A plaque will be engraved with their name and placed on a chair. Plaques will cost $50.00 per chair, have space for 2 names and or club or organizations.
Forms will be made available where the proper spelling of the names to be engraved are printed and cheques can be attached for the purchase.
7. Treasures Report. Leigh Anne Shafer reported on the Colours of Autumn Tournament. Stated that the GST reporting is still to be resolved.
8. Facility Report. No report committee will meet every 2 months and will have a report for the next meeting
9. Strategic Planning Meeting will be Sunday October 2, 2016 at the Facility 9-12. Communications will also be a subject at this meeting.
10. Membership Buddy plan is in progress.
11. Fundraising for 2017 Bridge Week Applications for licenses to hold 3 Texas Holdem Tournaments first anticipated date is November 19, 2016 and Grey Cup Tickets will be available for sale.
13. Televisions have been purchased, just awaiting set up. Planned usage for these Bridge in a Day, Teaching Advertising upcoming games, and posting of scores after games played at the Facility.
14. Horizon’s Grant Funds were received. We need to be proactive. The Grant allows us to use these funds for many different items. Some of these funds will be used at the Regional. Marlene Pontifex chair of the Regional requested direction. Marlene will set up a meeting with Bob Neudorf and Freddie Mykytyshyn to coordinate this.
15. 2017 Bridge Week requires a policy on distribution of card fee funds. Will be on the next meeting agenda.
16. Mentoring report by Leigh Anne Shafer will be on the next agenda.
17. Saturday Teams will revert back to the unit September 30, 2016. Bill Treble has proposed that this should be a joint effort Unit run for 6 months in the winter and Bill for 6 months in the summer. There was no decision made at this meeting.
18. Next meeting Tuesday October 18, 2016 5.00 PM at the Facility
Meeting adjourned at 7.10 PM Moved by Dave West Seconded by Bob Kuz Carried
To Do List
1. Name Tags Bob Kuz
2. Blue book status check with Paulette Migie
3. Form for members to purchase their chair. Shirley Galler
4. Purchase of new chairs Marielle Brentnall
5. Licenses for Fund Raising Bridge Week Doug Fisher
6. Saturday Teams John Hindle/ Marielle Brentnall
7. Bridge Week Card Fee Reimbursement for 2017 Marlene Pontifex
8. Grant Reporting Bob Neudorf/Freddie Mykytyshyn
9. Landlord Negotiations. Long term Planning Committee
10. Cabling Status Marielle Brentnall
11. Television hook ups Bob Neudorf/Freddie Mykytyshyn
12. Mentoring Leigh Anne Shafer
13. By Laws Review Shirley Galler
Shirley Galler