Present: Unit 181 Board Members: Doug Fisher, Shirley Galler, Barry Wolk, Dave West, Ray Hornby, Leigh Anne Shafer, John Hindle, Bob Kuz, Joan Clasen, Marlene Pontifex, Deloris Ankrom, Marielle Brentnall.
Also in attendance Bill Treble, Carolyn Douglas, Jenna Tichon, Sekhar, Gerri Hewitt
President Marielle Brentnall called the meeting to order AT 5.00 PM.
1. Adoption of the agenda: Moved by Doug Fisher, Seconded by Bob Kuz Carried.
2. Minutes of Meeting September 13,2016 approved as printed. Moved by Doug Fisher, Seconded Ray Hornby Carried.
3. Business arising from the minutes. To Do List:
Paulette Migie will publish a new blue book in the Spring of 2017
Bob Kuz has purchased the name tags
Shirley Galler provided a form for the new chair donations
Marielle Brentnall has ordered the new chairs to be delivered mid December 2016
Doug Fisher has licenses for Bridge Week
John Hindle/Marielle Brentnall have organized the Saturday Teams
Marielle Brentnall reported Cable Status for the TV’s are in place but require Boosters which are on order to complete installation.
4. Correspondence:
Letter from Bob Todd re behaviour: Items brought forth: Loud discussions of hands, results and bidding at the table at the conclusion of the hand. This leads to unauthorized information.
Noise levels during the game.
Action: Directors will be requested to announce prior to the start of the game that discussions of the hand should be restricted to the end of the game when the hand records can be utilized in partnership discussions. Directors will request that the noise be kept under control.
E-mail from David Kirby re 199er Swiss Game at the Regional. This was a round robin and there was confusion as to whether their game was complete. Received information that they were finished and left before the game was completed. Action: Directors will be requested to properly outline game logistics and ensure all tables especially in around robins understand their movements.
Letter from Adrienne Pearsons re Knockout Event at the Regional: Due to the low numbers of tables at this event the brackets for this event were extremely uneven. This team had to play against one of the top teams. This resulted in an uneven match which was not enjoyed by either team. Action: All tournament schedules will be reviewed and simplified.
Marielle Brentnall will personally reply to all of the above.
5. Chairs have been ordered. These are in 2 shades of blue, all have arms, padded lumbar support with a 15 year and a 25 year warranty on specific parts. Will arrive in mid December.
6. Treasurers Report: GST issue will be resolved in December 2016
Red River Regional Report: Table counts were down from previous regionals. The exchange rate for ACBL expenses was 30%. Conclusion that a Fall Regional is not recommended and we return to the April/May for 2018.Included in the 405 table were 27 that were attributed to the Social Evening Free Play held Tuesday Evening. Leaving 378 tables. The Social Evening Game was held under the auspices of the Horizon Grant that we have received.The Regional ended up in a loss position. Suggestions: Reinstate the Prepaid Options, Discontinue providing free coffee.
The 27 tables of Social Bridge Players from Tuesday Evening have been put on our Newcomer list and will be provided with updates and invitations for special games.
7. Facility Report: Doug Fisher reported on the Facility meeting held November 3, 2016. Doug Fisher and Shirley Galler attended for the Board, Bill Treble, Sekhar, and Alexa Campbell for the Facility. Parking: Is a problem, spaces are at a premium as the Building is filling up and there are not many over flow parking spots available. Parking is available on the street. Our drivers must be aware that parking in the bus stop is not allowed. Car Pools are an option. We will promote this and to this end a sign up sheet will be available for anyone interested. This will list the area of the city where members live.
Doug will approach the city as rumours have been heard about no parking areas signs being anticipated. Doug will also speak to the building manager to approach other tenants who do not use their spots during the day to see if it can be arranged that we could use these.
New chairs: Are on order. When these are received the existing upholstered chairs will need to be dismantled, the metal will be taken to a recycling depot and the backs and seats will be placed in either the dumpster or taken to a land fill. Doug has volunteered to haul away but will require assistance with the dismantling and loading into his truck.
Communications: Have improved somewhat but we still require more. Web Site postings- Examples were given.Gala not properly advertised and the Fund raisers for Bridge Week were another. Lighting: Room is deemed to be under lit.: We will have the fixtures cleaned and more bulbs installed.
Directors and Club Managers: A listing of responsibilities for maintenance of the Facility was presented and approved. These will be published and distributed to all directors/club owners
8. Donations for Chairs have been received. In lieu of the plaque attached to the chairs as the chairs we are purchasing are all upholstered, we will arrange a for a Recognition Wall to acknowledge the donors. There will be ample space to acknowledge other types of donations, as they are received.
9. Special Events: We will require a new Chair as Marlene is retiring from this position.
NAP: November 13 will see all 3 Flites in Play for the District Final.
CNTC: Qualifiers have been held all members are urged to qualify as this will entitle them to participate in Bridge Week in Winnipeg in May 2017. Games are listed on the Web Site.
Fundraising for Bridge Week is continuing with Grey Cup Tickets, Texas Holdems, 50/50 Draws and Special Games.
10. Membership Buddy plan has 11 participants at the resent time.
Bridge in a Day is being promoted at the 3 Universities. Bridge into High Schools: A special committee is being struck to accomplish this.
Letter to the members sent out last year will be re issued.
11. Facility Run Bridge Games. Update:
Wed. Afternoon will be Directed by Alexa Campbell
Fri. Afternoon will be directed by Shirley Pearlman and Susanne McCarthy
Sat. Afternoon currently organized by Marielle Brentnall and Deloris Ankrom
Sun. Afternoon still under discussion
ACBL reporting will continue to be handled by Debbie Gnoinski
13. Communications: Ray Hornby will now be responsible for the in putting of info on the Web Site..
14.Long Term Planning: Strategic Planning session was held in early October. Results have been compiled and will be posted on the web site.
15. Lease for Facility Premises to be finalized.
16. Meeting then moved into an “IN CAMERA” Session.
We intend at every open meeting to have at the end of the meeting this session.
Motion was made and carried on Facility Run Games Directors Fee Schedule.
17. Next meeting will be an IN CAMERA only November 15, 2016 5.00 PM at the Facility
Meeting adjourned at 7.10 PM Moved by Dave West Seconded by Bob Kuz Carried
To Do List
1. Lease for Facility to be signed Marielle Brentnall
2. Blue book status Paulette Migie will publish Spring 2017
3. Form for Car Pooling. Shirley Galler
4. Chairs on order to arrive early December 2016
5. Directors/Club Owners advised to announce Hand Discussion and Noise Level etc before every game
6. Bridge Week Card Fee Reimbursement for 2017 Marlene Pontifex
7. Grant Reporting Bob Neudorf/Freddie Mykytyshyn
8. SWCC update on status Dave West
9. Cabling Status Marielle Brentnall – awaiting Boosters
10. Membership status on University and High Schools John Hindle
11. Mentoring Leigh Anne Shafer
12. By Laws Review Shirley Galler
13. Bridge Week update David Brough
14. Lighting cleanup and new bulbs installed Shirley Galler Secretary