Minutes of Meetings


Present: Unit 181 Board Members: Shirley Galler, Barry Wolk, Dave West, Ray Hornby, Leigh Anne Shafer, John Hindle, Marlene Pontifex, Deloris Ankrom, Marielle Brentnall.
Also in attendance: Carolyn Douglas, Jenna Tichon,

President Marielle Brentnall called the meeting to order AT 5.00 PM.

1. Adoption of the agenda: Moved by Dave West, Seconded by John Hindle Carried.

2. Minutes of Meeting November 8,2016 approved as printed. Moved by Deloris Ankrom, Seconded Dave West Carried.
Minutes of Meeting November 15, 2016 approved as printed. Moved by Deloris Ankrom, Seconded by Dave West. Carried.

3. Business arising from the minutes. To Do List:
Chairs to be delivered December 19, 2016
Lease of Premises offer has been sent to Landlord.
Parking still a problem with complaints from the Landlord being received.
Next session of LBIAD will be held at the Facility January 22, 2017.
Marielle Brentnall reported HDMI Boosters are in and TV installation will be completed.

Chairs will be delivered and we will require volunteers to assist in unloading and taking apart the old ones. We cannot be given an exact delivery time. Shirley will advise the club owners that this could happen during game time.
Parking remains a problem and we will put out forms for carpooling. Parking is allowed on the street and a notice will be sent out advising same and that we are suggesting carpooling. Shirley to send out notice and provide forms.

4. Correspondence:
E-Mail from Sekhar. Unhappy with the Unit board on many issues but many were not explained. Marielle and John will contact Sekhar for clarification. One item was a donation on behalf of Lorraine Serlin that was made to the Unit and never acknowledged.

5. Treasurers Report: GST on the extra $4.00 fees per table that commenced on February 1, 2016 is not to assessed to the Club Owners who are collecting same.
Motion: The extra table fees of $4.00 that were assessed February 1, 2016 should have no financial repercussions on the club owners. GST will not be assessed on these table fees and refunds will be made for any assessed and paid. Moved Leigh Anne Shafer Seconded Shirley Galler Carried.
GST Reports are being produced by Marielle and Ray.
Reporting will be set up to acknowledge all donations for any activities that are received. These will be listed and acknowledged by our president. With Job Description and Financial Reports were received.
Grant reporting is being updated.

6. Facility Operations: Wednesday Game continues to have low attendance. Commencing January 11, 2017 there will be a 0-300 Game commencing at 12.30 with a mini lesson at 12.00 provided. Carolyn Douglas will be the Director.
Saturday Swiss Team Game: The Unit will operate the game for 6 months during the winter months.

Motion: That Bill Treble operate the Saturday Swiss Team Game for 6 months during the summer months exact dates to be determined, at the Facility Standard Directors Rate per table. Moved by Ray Hornby Seconded by Dave West. Carried.

The ACBL sanction for the Saturday Bridge Game will be under the Facility effective January 1, 2017.
The 2 computers at the facility require replacement. 2 New Computers will be ordered.
The Facility requires a manager to oversee and handle operations.
Motion: That Unit advertise the position of Manager under direction of the President. The position to be reviewed after 6 months. Compensation to be an honorarium of $500.00 per month. Moved by John Hindle, Seconded by Leigh Anne Shafer. Carried.
A notice will be posted on the web site re this position.

7. Special Games: There will be 2 more qualifying games for the CNTC /COP for Bridge Week.

8. Bridge Week, Co chairs Dave Brough and John Hindle will be forwarding information for sponsorship, of programs events and trips. Dave West to coordinate this function. Many volunteers will be required to assist in this event.

Next Meeting January 17, 2017 at 5.00 PM at the Facility.
Meeting adjourned at 7.10 PM Moved by Dave West Seconded by Carried Ray Hornby

To Do List
1. Lease for Facility to be signed Marielle Brentnall
2. Blue book status Paulette Migie will publish Spring 2017
3. Directors/ Club Owners to announce Car Pooling at every game.
4. Acknowledge Donations.
5. Directors/Club Owners advised to announce Hand Discussion and Noise Level etc before every game
6. Grant Reporting Bob Neudorf/Freddie Mykytyshyn
7. SWCC update on status Dave West
8. Cabling Status Marielle Brentnall – awaiting Boosters
9. Membership status on University and High Schools John Hindle
10. Mentoring Leigh Anne Shafer
11. By Laws Review Shirley Galler
12. Bridge Week update David Brough
13. Lighting cleanup and new bulbs installed

Shirley Galler Secretary

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