Minutes of Meetings


Present: Unit 181 Board Members: Shirley Galler, Barry Wolk, Dave West, Ray Hornby, Leigh Anne Shafer, John Hindle, Deloris Ankrom, Marielle Brentnall, Joan Clasen.
Also in attendance: Carolyn Douglas.

President Marielle Brentnall called the meeting to order AT 5.10 PM.

1. Adoption of the agenda: Moved by Deloris Ankrom, seconded by Dave West Carried.

2. Minutes of Meeting December 13,2016 approved as printed. Moved by Deloris Ankrom, Seconded Dave West Carried.

3. Business arising from the minutes.
New game will commence January 25 Wed Afternoon at 12.30 PM with a mini lesson at 12.00 noon, this will be limited to players under 199 or at the director’s discretion. Carolyn Douglas to direct this game. This is to be run in conjunction with our regular open pairs game at 12.15 PM, there is a lesson also provided by one of our more experienced players prior to this game at 11.00 AM. Directed by Alexa Campbell.
There was concern the new game would draw players from the open game. Wed Afternoon open game has a problem with attendance. Unit 181 Board is committed to growing our game and will endeavour to grow the open game also. One suggestion was for our mentoring program to take advantage of the Wed Aft game and have the mentoring done then. Another suggestion was to have a telephone blitz to promote both games.
Unit 181 will compile a list of Volunteers who would be willing to participate on occasion with telephoning.
Marielle presented a sample of the poster that will be framed to honour the donations our Unit has received. This will be displayed at the Facility.

4. Correspondence:
E-Mail from Neil Kimelman with a suggestion we document Unit 181 History. We will add to our to do list.

5. Treasurers Report:
GST on the extra $4.00 fees per table that commenced on February 1, 2016 and is not to impact the Club Owners has been adjusted.
GST Reports are being finalized.
Grant report on spending up date was received.
2017 Budget will be presented at the next meeting. It is requested that the board members receive this document prior to the meeting.

6. Facility Operations
Bill Treble requested that the board adjust the table fees charged to the owners of clubs by acknowledging free plays given by the clubs. Decision – At this time there will be no adjustments made.

7. Special Events
Regional 2018- requires a chair, and a date to be set. Spring 2018 suggested.
Annual Schedule of Events will be updated and brought to the next meeting, and then posted on the web site.

8. Bridge Week:
Plans are in progress. Logistics are a huge undertaking, 60-80 tables required, all will need to be transported, Screens will be forwarded from Regina and Edmonton, will need to be stored prior to and after event. Next Western event is in Vancouver 2019. At least 50 sets of Duplicate Boards, and all will need to be duplicated. We will require an additional Duplimate Machine. John will look into the pricing of same. Hospitality will be required for prior to game and after game each day for 9 days. Fund Raising is continuing, sponsorships are being requested, Regional Schedule needs updating
A meeting will be held Saturday January 21, 2017 10.30 AM at the Facility for more planning of this event.

9 Membership:
Request that a member attend the next Facility Operations Meeting.
Information is being gathered on youth programs.
A meeting of the membership committee will be held on January 24, 2017.

10 Communications. Web Site is continuing to be updated by Ray. Suggestion was that Ray and Joan co-ordinate email advisories to ensure members are not being sent duplicate info.

11. Blue Book was discussed. Suggestion was to have email addresses included. This is under advisement.

Next Meeting February 21, 2017 at 5.00 PM at the Facility.
Focus of this meeting will be on the budget for 2017.

Meeting adjourned at 7.00 PM Moved by Deloris Ankrom Seconded by Leigh Anne Shafer Carried.

To Do List
1. Lease for Facility to be signed Marielle Brentnall
2. Blue book status Paulette Migie will publish Spring 2017
3. Directors/ Club Owners to announce Car Pooling at every game.
4. Acknowledge Donations.
5. Directors/Club Owners advised to announce Hand Discussion and Noise Level etc. before every game
6. Grant Reporting Bob Neudorf/Freddie Mykytyshyn
7. SWCC update on status Dave West
8. Cabling Status Marielle Brentnall – awaiting Boosters
9. Membership status on University and High Schools John Hindle
10. Mentoring Leigh Anne Shafer
11. By Laws Review Shirley Galler
12. Bridge Week update David Brough
13. Lighting clean-up and new bulbs installed
14. Volunteer list for telephoning
15. Document Unit 181 History
16. Budget 2017
17. Regional Chair 2018
18. Annual schedule of events.

Shirley Galler Secretary . .

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