Minutes of Meetings


Present: Unit 181 Board Members: Shirley Galler, Barry Wolk, Ray Hornby, Leigh Anne Shafer, John Hindle, Marielle Brentnall, Joan Clasen, Marlene Pontifex
Also in attendance: Carolyn Douglas.

President Marielle Brentnall called the meeting to order AT 5.05 PM.

1. Adoption of the agenda: Moved by Marlene Pontifex, seconded by Ray Hornby Carried.

2. Minutes of Meeting January 17, 2017 approved as printed. Moved by Shirley Galler, Seconded John Hindle Carried.

3. Business arising from the minutes.
HDMI Boosters are in TV installation to be completed

4. Presidents Report:
Learn Bridge in a Day was held in January with 5 tables in attendance.
Lease: New proposal from the Landlord now requiring a 7 year term with increased rate at signing and increases in all years. This item will be further discussed, no action taken at this time.
Sharon Gray has handled all facets of sending out sympathy and get well cards to the membership. She also has been in charge of posting memorials on our web site under Passages. Sharon is unable to continue to look after this. We will require a new volunteer. Joan will make a note of this in Norma No Trump Newsletter.
The Board extends their thanks to Sharon for her past contribution.
No response to Manager advertisement.
Email from Sekhar John Hindle to contact.
Table count review document by year was provided with comparisons from July 2014 to December 31, 2016
Re purchase of new Duplimate required to be used in Bridge Week. An email was sent to all Unit 181 Board Members who approved this purchase.
Motion: Purchase of Duplimate to be ratified. Moved by John Hindle, Seconded by Leigh Anne Shafer. Carried

5. Treasurers Report:
Grant report pending
Budget for 2017, and 2016 Actual Income and Expenses statements were received, to be reviewed at next meeting.
GST report pending. GST Reports are being finalized.
Grant report on spending up date was received.

6. Facility Operations
No Report

7. Bridge Week:
Regional Schedule to be finalized and advertised on CBF and ACBL web sites. Gold Rush flites to be reviewed. Marlene and Barry to set up new schedule of times.
Museum tour has been arranged. John will write up details and forward to Ina to post on CBF web site.
Casino tours will also be happening on Sunday and Thursday. Marlene to write up details and forward to Ina to post on CBF web site.

Next Meeting March 28, 2017 at 5.00 PM at the Facility.
Meeting adjourned at 7.05 PM

To Do List
1. Lease for Facility to be signed Marielle Brentnall
2. Blue book status Paulette Migie will publish Spring 2017
3. Directors/ Club Owners to announce Car Pooling at every game.
4. Acknowledge Donations.
5. Directors/Club Owners advised to announce Hand Discussion and Noise Level etc. before every game
6. Grant Reporting Bob Neudorf/Freddie Mykytyshyn
7. SWCC update on status Dave West
8. Passages volunteer required
9. Membership status on University and High Schools John Hindle
10. Mentoring Leigh Anne Shafer
11. By Laws Review Shirley Galler
12. Bridge Week update David Brough
13. Lighting clean-up and new bulbs installed
14. Volunteer list for telephoning
15. Document Unit 181 History
16. Budget 2017
17. Regional Chair 2018
18. Annual schedule of events.

Shirley Galler Secretary

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