Present: Unit 181 Board Members: Shirley Galler, Barry Wolk, John Hindle, Ray Hornby, Marsha Kimelman, Marielle Brentnall, Doug Fisher, Deloris Ankrom, Dave West, Marlene Pontifex, Bob Kuz
Absent: Gerri Hewitt.
Also attending Bill Treble
President John Hindle chaired the meeting. Called to order 5.00 PM
Quorum declared
Minutes of Meeting December 11, 2018 approved as circulated. Moved by Doug Fisher, Seconded by Deloris Ankrom Carried.
2. Business arising out of the minutes
Hearing Aids: Lions Manor have forwarded an information document. These used hearing aids will be refurbished, and distributed to needy children. Information will be posted on the web site. A collection box will be installed at the Facility. Joan Clasen will collect and take to Lions Manor.
Membership Chair: Bill and Gisele will be co-chairs. No meetings have been held
A listing of the attendees at the latest Learn How to Play will be forwarded to the membership committee. We will promote lessons and Supervised Play Games.
Bridge Mates: New Bridge Mates have been purchased to bring us up to the original amount of 40. Bob Todd updated the software and Bob Kuz and Shirley Galler re programmed the remotes . All are ready to be used. Marsha and Shirley will work out a plan to rotate the mates so that all are used equally.
3. Special Events
January Sectional was well attended and enjoyed by all
Spring Sectional will be held April 25-28 2019
Suggestion was that lunch for the next Regional will be sold.
We need to do more promoting via email and telephone blitzes
A plan will be put into effect.
Web site to be updated as soon as sanctions are received.
A check list for usage to plan and promote Sectionals and Regionals will be prepared by Bob Kuz.
Unit 181 Representation at the Canadian Nationals. Motion: Moved by Shirley Galler Seconded by Dave West that any Unit 181 Team who moves on from the Round Robin Competition into the Playoff rounds will have their Table Fees for these extra rounds reimbursed. Carried.
4. Learn How to Play Bridge was held January 19, 2019. 46 people attended. 12 Volunteers assisted.
John and Marielle presented. This was a very well received session. Next session planned for April 13
5. Treasurer’s Report
Statements. Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss for the Year 2018 was presented.
6. Club Owners
No concerns.
7. Long Term Planning
No action has been taken. A special meeting will be called, Board Members and the Long Term Planning Committee to attend.
8. Annual Meeting will be held in May. Nominating committee will be co-chaired by Doug Fisher and Shirley Galler. There are presently 2 vacancies.
9. Presidents Report and Correspondence
Clarification of Reimbursement to Board Members was clarified.
Received a listing of Board Roles, Volunteer Positions to be reviewed.
Winnipeg Free Press published an article Sunday January 13th this can be viewed on the web site.
CJOB have approached John to be on the radio on a Saturday Subject Bridge Builds Community.
Forced entry into Soul Sanctuary December 26, 2018. Facility will be assessed 50% of the repair bill.
Zero Tolerance incidents have been reported. Dave West will forward a letter to all members and also will be posted on the web site to remind all of Unit 181’s Zero Tolerance Policy.
10. Bill Treble presented a proposal for lessons and a supervised play game. The board discussed this and lessons in general. Deferred to next meeting.
11. Next meeting Tuesday February 26, 2019 5.00PM Soul Sanctuary
Meeting adjourned 7.05 PM
Shirley Galler
Secretary .