Minutes of Meetings


Present: Unit 181 Board Members: Shirley Galler, Barry Wolk, John Hindle, Ray Hornby, Marsha Kimelman, Marielle Brentnall, Deloris Ankrom, Dave West, Marlene Pontifex
Absent: Gerri Hewitt, Bob Kuz, Doug Fisher

President John Hindle chaired the meeting. Called to order 5.00 PM Quorum declared

Minutes of Meeting February 27, 2019 approved as circulated. Moved by Dave West, Seconded by Marsha Kimelman Carried.

2. Business arising out of the minutes
Hearing Aids: Collection Box provided. Information will be sent out shortly via a notice on the web site and via a mass email.
Blue Book 2018 200 extra have been printed

3.Special Events
Spring Sectional will be held April 25-28 2019. Check list still required to assist Tournament Chairs.
Calendar of special club games which include NAP qualifying. All ACBL Special events, World Wide Pairs etc has been prepared and has been published on the web site.
Motion: That all the special games held by Unit 181 NAP Qualifying, All ACBL Special, World Wide Pairs, International Fund Games, Both Rooky Master Games Etc All entries be charged $10.00. Unit 181 will cover the additional ACBL fees. Moved by Dave West, Seconded by Ray Hornby. Carried.
John Hindle will be interviewed on CJOB Saturday April 6, 2019 at 6.00 PM
Learn To Play Bridge will be Held April 13, 2019. Note the Name Change.

4. Membership Committee Report: Pot luck Dinner and a welcome to Newcomers will be held April 11, 2019.Tickets on sale shortly and sign up sheets for Food will be put up in the Facility. Plan to have 3 sections.

5.. Treasurer’s Report
Ray gave an oral report.

6. Club Owners
No attendees

7.Long Term Planning No Report

8. Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday May25, 2019, following the Saturday Team Game. Lunch at 11.30 AM, Bridge at 12.00 NOON Annual Meeting at 3.00 PM. Ace of Clubs and Mini Mckenny 2018 awards will be presented. Nominating committee will be co-chaired by Doug Fisher and Shirley Galler. There are presently 2 vacancies.

9. Presidents Report and Correspondence
Stated that there is a Defibrillator located by the water cooler in the hallway out side of our playing site.
Blue Bomber promotion. Was presented no action will be taken
Joe Tharayil will lease our facility on a Saturday evening in May

10 In camera session held

11. Next meeting Tuesday April 23, 2019 5.00 PM Soul Sanctuary

Meeting adjourned 7.10 PM
Shirley Galler
Secretary .

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