Minutes of Meetings


Present: Unit 181 Board Members: Shirley Galler, Barry Wolk, John Hindle, Ray Hornby, Marsha Kimelman, Marielle Brentnall, Deloris Ankrom, Marlene Pontifex, Doug Fisher, Gerri Hewitt, Bob Kuz
Absent: Dave West
Also Attending, Bill Treble, Marie Hawash

President John Hindle chaired the meeting. Called to order 5.00 PM Quorum declared

Minutes of Meeting March 26, 2019 approved as circulated. Moved by Gerri Hewitt, Seconded by Deloris Ankrom Carried.

2. Business arising out of the minutes
Hearing Aids: Collection Box at the Facility Mass email will follow
Spring Fling April 11, 2019 was a fabulous event, well attended 26 tables played bridge after a wonderful pot luck dinner. Board thanks the organizers.
Learn Bridge in One Day held April 13,2019 26 attendees. John Hindle was the MC, and the revised program proved to be a hit. Next Session September 14, 2019

3.Special Events
Spring Sectional will be held April 25-28 2019
Rookie Master game held in early April. 18 tables were in play. Carolyn Douglas did a super job organizing and Directing the Game.

4. Membership Committee No Report
Sylvia Philipps was in Victoria and attended a “Memorial Game” this game honoured past members who had passed away in the past year. A short Obit was read and coffee and cake served..
Suggestion to be made to the membership committee to look into holding a game in honour of our past members

5. Treasurer’s Report
GST filed and paid
Financial Reports ready for AGM
Corporate return still to be filed.
Revenue Canada for GST purposes will be approached to have 2 separate accounts, one for Facility Operations and one for Tournaments
Current cheque signers on the Steinbach Credit Union account are, Ray Hornby, Marielle Brentnall, Doug Fisher and Shirley Galler
Motion Moved by Ray Hornby, Seconded by Marlene Pontifex
To facilitate electronic transfers to our suppliers we require 2 signatures on the transfer. To ensure there is always someone available add Dave West and Bob Kuz as delegates for secondary signatures only on Electronic Transfers at the Steinbach Credit Union. Carried.

6. Club Owners
Bill Treble will be holding Supervised Play Games and Lessons Thursday Evenings at the Facility until June 30, 2019.
Re: Lorraine’s Bridge Club. Notice was served that effective May 3, 2019 the Facility would no longer rent out premises to this club.
Marie Hawash asked to speak to the Board requesting the Board to reconsider this action.
It was decided that Doug Fisher and Bob Kuz would contact Sekhar.

7.Long Term Planning
Committee had a meeting with Bob Brown checking out land available and premises available for long term rental.

8. Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday May25, 2019, following the Saturday Team Game. Lunch at 11.30 AM, Bridge at 12.00 NOON Annual Meeting at 3.00 PM. Ace of Clubs and Mini Mckenny 2018 awards will be presented. Nominating committee presented a slate of officers standing for election. This listing will be posted on the web site.

9. Presidents Report and Correspondence
John Hindle gave a preview of his report he will present at the AGM
Presented a listing of Roles to be filled for successful operation of our facility

10. Shirley Galler reported there is a new policy made by District 2 to assist in promoting bridge at the Regionals This is a one time only to be used at our next Regional up to the amount of the District Assessment.
This is for newcomer players only. Shirley will write up the conditions and present to the Board

11. New Business
8.32 ACBL Score has been installed
ACBL Live for Clubs is in Beta Testing Mode. Marielle and Bob will resource.
Robots instead of having a sit out is also in testing mode. Bill will resource,

12. Chair Donations were received in 2017 to assist in our purchase of the new chairs. Donations have not as yet been acknowledged. Marsha Kimelman to check where plaques could be placed or just a donation acknowledgement board.

13. In camera session held

14. Next meeting Tuesday June 4, 2019 5.00 PM Soul Sanctuary
Meeting adjourned 7.10 PM

Shirley Galler Secretary

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