Present: Unit 181 Board Members: Shirley Galler, Barry Wolk, John Hindle, Ray Hornby, Marsha Kimelman, Marielle Brentnall, Deloris Ankrom, Doug Fisher, Gerri Hewitt, Bob Kuz, Gloria Woloshyn, Dave Kirby
Absent: Dave West
Also Attending, Bill Treble, Sekhar
President John Hindle chaired the meeting. Called to order 5.00 PM Quorum declared
Newly elected members Gloria and Dave were warmly welcomed.
Minutes of Meeting April 23, 2019 approved as circulated. Moved by Doug Fisher, Seconded by Bob Kuz Carried.
2. Business arising out of the minutes
Hearing Aids: This program has resulted in many hearing aids being sent to the Lions Club for redistribution to needy children. The collection box will remain in the facility and Joan Clasen will continue to monitor. We will continue to remind everyone of this endeavour by mass emails every six months.
ACBL Live for clubs is installed on the Facility Computer. Marielle will instruct directors on the operation.
Robots in use at sit out tables information has been obtained will require 2 lap tops in use. Jenna will test out.
At the request of the former writer the name Norma No Trump will not be used in any future publications.
3 Election of Officers for the year 2019
President Doug Fisher moved by Marielle Brentnall, seconded by Shirley Galler Carried
1st Vice President Bob Kuz moved by Marielle Brentnall, seconded by Deloris Ankrom Carried
2nd Vice President Marielle Brentnall, moved by Doug Fisher, seconded by Shirley Galler Carried
Secretary Shirley Galler moved by Deloris Ankrom, seconded by Marsha Kimelman Carried
Treasurer Ray Hornby moved by Deloris Ankrom, seconded by Marielle Brentnall Carried
President Doug Fisher now took the Chair
4.Special Events
Joe Tharayil rental of our premises for his special went well.
Memorial Game request that went forward to the Membership Committee was returned stating they would not be prepared to host this event. Board deemed this would be a special we should pursue Discussion followed and we will come up with a date and a plan
Gatlinburg will be holding their regional at the same time as we will in April 21-26, 2020. While a conflict for any of our members who wish to attend, this should not cause an attendance problem.
Soul Sanctuary to be reimbursed for extra coffee consumed at the Spring Sectional
5.. Treasurer’s Report
2018 Statements were distributed at the Annual Meeting 2019 to date operations are profitable.
6. Club Owners
Doug addressed the issue that we do not have a long term contract with Soul Sanctuary, and therefore there cannot be long term contracts with club owners. Our existing contract with Soul expires Sept 30, 2019 There are no longer leases between MCBL and the Club owners.
Doug Fisher and John Hindle will be in negotiations to renew for 2019-2020 lease.
7.Long Term Planning
Co -Chairs will be Marielle Brentnall and John Hindle. Marielle reported after the Annual meeting she was approached and received a pledge from one of our members. Progress will continue. Report at next meeting.
8. Recognition of Donations
Discussed at last meeting which was to put plaques on chairs has been reconsidered into the possibility of a portable stand that would be placed next to the convention card holder and could be safely stored when all items are to be removed from the room. Marielle to research.
9. Request to purchase name tags. Bob will research the previous company where we purchased is no longer in business.
10.Subsidy for B and C Players to attend CNTC events was discussed. This will be addressed at a later time as we prepare for the 2020 events.
11. Directors. Bob Kuz to obtain a listing of Unit 181 Directors from the ACBL
Kirkfield Westwood Club have offered to run a training program for directing at their Monday evening games. This will be taken into consideration, along with an up grade course / or a new course offered for directors to be sponsored by Unit 181.
Alexa Campbell has stated effective Nov1, 2019 she will no longer Direct the Friday Afternoon game.
12. Shirley Galler presented the Annual Meeting minutes and requested that everyone review them with any changes to be brought forth at the July 9, 2019 meeting so they can be posted on the web site.
13. Listing of Roles to be filled by board members and volunteers has been compiled and are partially filled. To be completed at the next meeting.
14. Next meeting Tuesday July 9, 2019 5.00 PM Soul Sanctuary Meeting adjourned 6.30 PM
Shirley Galler Secretary