Present: Unit 181 Board Members: Shirley Galler, Barry Wolk, Ray Hornby, Marielle Brentnall, Doug Fisher, Gloria Woloshyn, Dave West, Deloris Ankrom, John Hindle, Marsha Kimelman
Absent: Dave Kirby, Bob Kuz, Gerri Hewitt
Also in attendance, Bill Treble, Sekhar, Jerry Cohen, Susan Cohen
President Doug Fisher chaired the meeting. Called to order 5.07 PM Quorum declared
Minutes of Meeting July 9, 2019 approved as circulated. Moved by Shirley Galler, Seconded by John Hindle, CarrIed.
1 New item added to the Agenda
Larry Cohen is available to visit Winnipeg in 2020, Presentation made by Jerry Cohen. Jerry and Susan participated in a Bridge Cruise where Larry Cohen was giving daily lessons. Larry is an extremely exciting and talented teacher. Able to relate to all levels of players. We would require 50 people to participate in this one day seminar. Jerry offered his help in promoting this event if it was held here.
Motion: Moved by John Hindle, Seconded by Marielle Brentnall that Marielle have the authority to explore a one day seminar to be held in Winnipeg, Date to be decided. Carried.
2. Business arising out of the minutes
Recognition of donations received for the chairs will be in the form of a listing on a movable frame Marielle will purchase
Name Tags deferred to next meeting
3.Special Events
Regional Tournament for April 2020 requires program adjustment re KO's before being submitted to ACBL
District 2 has a program available for promoting novice and newcomers at one regional only where the amount of the district table assessment can be used for this promotion. Shirley will send out info to the board under separate cover.
4. Treasurer’s Report
Received Financial Report to August
5. Correspondence
Bridge Camp for Kids at Soul Sanctuary for 2020 Doug will approach Allison
Double Dummy Ray reported not of interest.
6. Lease has been signed with Soul Sanctuary for a 2 year period. Thanks Doug and John
7. Club Owners Issues
Bill brought up the issue of programming the bridge mates which somehow has become changed.
The Board made a decision to have the bridge mates returned to their original setting and also removing the opening lead. Shirley to send an email to all directors.
We have some tables that are past their prime. These are to be discarded. Bill will be in charge.
We have 2 TVs in storage at Marielle's office that were used in the old club but are not required here. Marielle will sell these.
Lessons Bill and Sue will give Beginner lessons on Thursday evening and Jim and Keran on Saturday Mornings Check web site for schedule of all lessons that are beginning in September.
8. Learn How to Play Bridge will be held September 14
9. Next meeting Tuesday September 24, 2019 5.00 PM Soul Sanctuary
Meeting adjourned 6.30 PM
Shirley Galler Secretary .