Minutes of Meetings


Present: Unit 181 Board Members: Shirley Galler, Barry Wolk, Ray Hornby, Marielle Brentnall, Doug Fisher, Gloria Woloshyn, Deloris Ankrom, John Hindle, Marsha Kimelman, Bob Kuz
Absent: Dave Kirby, Dave West
Also in attendance, Bill Treble, Carolyn Douglas

President Doug Fisher chaired the meeting. Called to order 5.10 PM Quorum declared

Minutes of Meeting August 27, 2019 approved as circulated. Moved by Shirley Galler, Seconded by Deloris Ankrom CarrIed.

1 New items many items were added to the Agenda will be addressed during the meeting.
Advertising other Tournaments, Special Games etc, Decision to continue as we are having brochures available for our members to pick up at the Facility

2. Business arising out of the minutes
Stand for recognition of donations has been ordered by Marielle
Name Tags information sent out and Bob Kuz has 30 requests for new tags.
Bridge Mates- Decision was made to leave the opening lead option on. This is a teaching tool. Website to have a notice on it explaining the reasoning and asking for members co-operation.
Learn to play bridge in one day was held on September 14. Event was successful but requires some modifications. Pre Registration along with payment is required. There were cancellations on the day of unpaid registrations, causing some of our willing volunteers not being required.
Registrations will be taken at the door but an additional $10.00 fee will be assessed.
Promotion of this event should not be linked in with lessons etc. .A free play should be issued to participants to attend one of the Supervised Play Games.
Leader should be reimbursed for handling this event.
A request for our Power Point presentation was received, this has been compiled by Unit 181. Request will be considered
Larry Cohen will be coming to Winnipeg July 2020. Gloria Woloshyn will Chair Committee along with Jerry Cohen and John Hindle. Negotiated no minimum fee which enables us to host this event. Information will be available shortly..

3. Special Events.
September Sectional was a successful event. There was a problem with an illegible team playing in one of the events, which was solved satisfactorily.
November Remembrance Day Sectional November 7-10 2019 will be held at the Facility
NA Pairs final will be held Sunday November 17, 2019 at Kirkfield Westwood venue.
Suggestion that a phoning committee be set up to blitz the membership with information on the November tournament and the NA Pairs event. Marielle offered her office to be used for contacting purposes.

4. Treasurer’s Report
Received Financial Report YTD to September 2019.

5.Club Owners Issues
Bill brought up the lack of notice of an event held at Soul Sanctuary on a Wednesday evening that had every parking stall occupied and also all the available street parking. Advance notice was not received that this would take place. This was strictly an oversight by Soul Sanctuary and it is not expected to happen again. It was deemed to be a human error. Bill had to cancel his game that evening.
Request for a Lost and Found Box at the Facility was deemed not to be feasible as storage space is at a premium.
Fridays Unit game will be under new directorship November 1, 2019

6. Next meeting Tuesday November 5, 2019 5.00 PM Soul Sanctuary
Meeting adjourned 6.30 PM

Shirley Galler Secretary

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