Minutes of Meetings


Present: Unit 181 Board Members: Shirley Galler, Barry Wolk, Ray Hornby, Marielle Brentnall, Doug Fisher, Deloris Ankrom, John Hindle, Marsha Kimelman, Bob Kuz, Dave Kirby, Gerri Hewitt
Absent: Dave West, Gloria Woloshyn
Also in attendance Carolyn Douglas

President Doug Fisher chaired the meeting. Called to order 5.10 PM Quorum declared

Minutes of Meeting September 24, 2019 approved as circulated. Moved by Marielle Brentnall, Seconded by Ray Hornby CarrIed.

1 New items Director Bridge Mates, ACBL Score, Mentoring, Rookie Master Game, Internet at the Facility

2. Business arising out of the minutes
Stand for recognition of donations has been received. Has compartments to display Tournaments Special events etc. Awaiting the listing of donations to be displayed on the top compartment.
Name Tags ordered and delivered.

Bridge Mates/ ACBL Score/ Directors
Documentation is required for procedures on setting up games, bridge mates, ACBL Live finishing the game and closing all programs
Shirley had prepared a procedure on Team Games for the Saturday Directors, this will be copied and put into the Blue Binder with the Team movements,
Shirley will prepare a Pairs Game set up along with a check list for Directors.
Marielle will list instructions on posting to ACBL Live.

Director Training John will coordinate a training session.
Club Directors we will plan to have updating sessions every 6 months Carolyn will be the liaison.
John will provide an update to be issued to members reinforcing the ethics of the game, the play nice policy this will also assist our new members with the policy we have.

Larry Cohen Update Gloria is chairing, brochures are available, preregistration has commenced with a promotion for early participants, Jerry Cohen and John Hindle are hyping this event at bridge clubs. This will be a well organized 2 day event. Already listed on Web site. Info has been sent to surrounding area clubs promoting

3.Special Events.
November Remembrance Day Sectional November 7-10 2019 will be held at the Facility
NA Pairs final will be held Sunday November 17, 2019 at Kirkfield Westwood venue. Hoping to host all three A,B,C require 5 tables in each category.
January Sectional will be held 24-25, 2020 at the Facility.
2020 Regional brochure will be available shortly.

4.. New Business
Mentoring Gerri with Bea assisting will be handling the 2019-2020 applications. Clarification was given that all mentees must be an ACBL Member to participate
Internet in Facility we are currently using Soul Sanctuary internet. Doug will speak to Allison if it is possible for us to install our own in the club room.
Rookie Master Games there are 2 games held each year Spring and Fall. Organizing this event is extremely difficult at the one held in October, several rookies did not attend after having their names listed. Masters arrived and were not needed. The April 2020 will require a chair to coordinate, this is entirely too much to put on the director who will be in charge that evening.

5. Membership committee is planning a Pot luck dinner Dec 5, 20189. Tickets are available.

6. Next meeting Tuesday December 10, 2019 5.00 PM Soul Sanctuary

Meeting adjourned 6.30 PM
Shirley Galler Secretary .

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