Minutes of Meetings




Present Unit 181 Board Members:  Shirley Galler, Dave West, Marsha Kimelman, Kevin Tomanek, Gloria Woloshyn, Ray Hornby, Jacqueline Meyers, Ken Goodridge, Barbara Parke

Regrets: Bob Neudorf

Meeting held via Zoom.

New items added to agenda District 1 Elections Darlene Scott request to speak at next meeting

Vice President Marsha Kimelman called the meeting to order at 4.01 PM, President Ray Hornby presided 4.27 PM 

Minutes of meeting June 25,2024 approved as posted.  Moved Shirley Galler, Seconded Dave West Carried.

Financial Report no update

Mentorship Gloria reported mentorships continuing.  Requests that ay director who gets an enquiry des not promise that a mentor will be provided but that Gloria is the contact person and call her directly.

Supervised play will begin a new session September 3, 2024 with Gary Parker in charge. Freddie’s biweekly team game on Tuesday evenings is in progress.

Regional 2024 Dates set September 25-28, 2024. The chair is Ken Goodridge. Draft Schedule will be forwarded to board members end of this week.

Learn to play Bridge Next session of LTPB September 21. Beginner lessons to follow.

New computer installed and working satisfactorily. The Unit thanks Bob Todd for his many hours spent installing and testing the programs Also the unit thanks Marsha Kimelman who assisted and has documented procedures and Shirley Galler who assisted in testing the programs.

Facility lease renewal Ray is in negotiations with Soul Sanctuary.

Name Tags ordered and received; misspelled ones have been reordered.

ACBL “Jump Start” program Kevin still researching will update next meeting.

District 1 Elections August 15-September 15. Unit 181 Board members have a vote. Currently Jonathon Steinberg is the incumbent director and seeking reelection.  Darlene Scott entered her name into the race. She will be advised of the date and time of the next meeting and will have 5 minutes to speak.

Next Board Meeting Tuesday August 20, 2024, 4.00 PM via Zoom

Meeting adjourned 5.12 Dave West, Seconded Jacqueline Meyers

Shirley Galler Secretary

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