Minutes of Meetings


MINUTES OF MEETING August 20, 2024


Present Unit 181 Board Members:  Shirley Galler, Dave West, Marsha Kimelman, Gloria Woloshyn, Ray Hornby, Barbara Parke

Regrets: Bob Neudorf, Kevin Tomanek, Jacqueline Meyers, Ken Goodridge

In attendance Gary Parker

Guest Darlene Scott

Meeting held via Zoom

 President Ray Hornby called meeting to order 4.01 PM 

Guest Darlene Scott running in the election for District 1 Rep to ACBL introduced herself to the board and gave a nice presentation of her goals and value, asking members to vote for her.

Ray thanked her for attending.

Minutes of meeting July 23,2024 approved as posted.  Moved Shirley Galler, Seconded Barbara Parke Carried.

Financial Report no update

Mentorship Gloria reported mentorships progressing.

Supervised play will begin a new session September 3, 2024, with Gary Parker in charge. Gary requested some guidelines as he takes over the running of this game. Requested a list of the previous players which Marsha will provide; Dave will supply input. Freddie’s biweekly team game on Tuesday evenings is progressing with 7 or 8 tables in attendance. Intermediate 0-199 game continues to be  well attended.

Regional 2024 Dates set September 25-28, 2024. The chair is Ken Goodridge.  Brochures are printed, listed with information on our web site. Gloria Woloshyn in charge of partnerships.

Learn to play Bridge Next session of LTPB September 21. Beginner lessons October 5 to follow.

Bridge Mates we currently have 25 in operating condition.  Shirley will purchase another 12 to enable us to have enough for the Regional.

Facility lease renewal Ray is in negotiations with Soul Sanctuary

Due to other commitments, there will be some changes in games in September.  The web site will be updated, and mass emails will be sent out advising our players.

Next Board Meeting Tuesday September 17, 2024, 4.00 PM via Zoom

Meeting adjourned 5.23 Dave West, Seconded Shirley galler

Shirley Galler Secretary





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