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The Drinking Hand

Written by . Posted in Bidding Problems. 9573 hits.
Both vul, at IMPs, you hold as south: ♠A85 ♥KJ ♦AJ108 ♣AK64   W     ...

Can I please have a new hand?

Written by . Posted in Bidding Problems. 9867 hits.
Neither vul, at IMPs, you hold as south: ♠J6 ♥1097632 ♦53 ♣J106   W     ...

Steppin' Out

Written by . Posted in Bidding Problems. 10502 hits.
E-W vul, at IMPs, you hold as south: ♠Q542 ♥AK107 ♦4 ♣J1076   W     ...

Asking the Right Questions

Written by . Posted in Bidding Problems. 9052 hits.
N-S vul, at IMPs, you hold as south: ♠A ♥J5432 ♦AKQ76 ♣A7   W     ...

Bidding Game over weak twos

Written by . Posted in Bidding Problems. 10222 hits.
N-S vul, at Matchpoints, you hold as south: ♠A1043 ♥AQ92 ♦A4 ♣732   W     ...

Don't do it!

Written by . Posted in Bidding Problems. 8896 hits.
N-S vul, at Matchpoints, you hold as south: ♠AQ87 ♥- ♦QJ108752 ♣108   W     ...

Which Major?!

Written by . Posted in Bidding Problems. 9510 hits.
Neither vul, at Matchpoints, you hold as south: ♠96532 ♥K976 ♦J107 ♣3   W     ...

Minor Suit Fits for the Unfit

Written by . Posted in Bidding Problems. 10554 hits.
Neither vul, at Matchpoints, you hold as south: ♠KQ10954 ♥AK3 ♦K103 ♣3   W     ...

The Longest Yard(stick)

Written by . Posted in Bidding Problems. 9232 hits.
Neither vul, at IMPs, you hold as south: ♠Q94 ♥- ♦KQ1087632 ♣Q2   W     ...


Written by . Posted in Bidding Problems. 9525 hits.
Vul vs not, at IMPs, you hold as south: ♠A1086432 ♥A6 ♦- ♣AJ83   W     ...

No Cute Title

Written by . Posted in Bidding Problems. 9541 hits.
Vul vs not, at Matchpoints, you hold as south: ♠QJ10 ♥A ♦Q63 ♣KQ9765   W     ...

Ask the right questions...

Written by . Posted in Bidding Problems. 9499 hits.
Both vul, at IMPs, you hold as south: ♠AK ♥2 ♦QJ109632 ♣AJ3   W     ...

Are you a man...

Written by . Posted in Bidding Problems. 9734 hits.
N-S vul, at IMPs, you hold as South: ♠AKJ8764 ♥A ♦J109 ♣K102   W       ...

Sometimes Bridge is like driving a car...

Written by . Posted in Bidding Problems. 10633 hits.
E-W vul, at IMPs scoring you hold as South: ♠KQ752 ♥KJ1084 ♦K ♣42   W       ...

To Tiptoe Through The Tulips?

Written by . Posted in Bidding Problems. 9330 hits.
Intended audience: Intermediate and up   E-W vul, matchpoints, as south you hold: ♠AQ10765432...

Less is more

Written by . Posted in Bidding Problems. 9992 hits.
  N-S vul, at IMPs scoring you hold as South: ♠K854 ♥AK74 ♦KQ32 ♣J   W     ...

'Major' Problems

Written by . Posted in Bidding Problems. 8724 hits.
N-S vul, IMPs, as South you hold: ♠AKQ1062 ♥KJ762 ♦A ♣5   West...

A Precision Auction

Written by . Posted in Bidding Problems. 9402 hits.
Intended audience: Intermediate and up   N-S vul, IMPs, as south you hold: ♠J10 ♥A10...

Do you or don't you?

Written by . Posted in Bidding Problems. 9331 hits.
Intended audience: Intermediate and up     E-W vul, matchpoints, as south you...

Understand The Opponents' Auction

Written by . Posted in Bidding Problems. 8543 hits.
Intended audience: Intermediate and up     Neither vul, matchpoints, as south...
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