The Intermediate Series
Lesson 2 – When Partner has Two Suits
Both vul, IMPs at IMPs scoring you hold as south: ♠A ♥K93 ♦AK106 ♣AK1063
E-W vul, at IMPs scoring you hold as South: ♠KQ752 ♥KJ1084 ♦K ♣42
W ...
Test Your Lead Defence
Column 11
N-S vul, Playing Teams...
Neither vul, at Matchpoints, you hold as south: ♠KQ10954 ♥AK3 ♦K103 ♣3
W ...
N-S vul, at Matchpoints, you hold as south: ♠A5 ♥A862 ♦A63 ♣K1042
W ...
E-W vul, at IMPs, you hold as south: ♠Q542 ♥AK107 ♦4 ♣J1076
W ...
Target audience: Intermediate or advanced players
N-S vul at Matchpoints, as south you...
Intended audience: Intermediate and up
Neither vul, matchpoints:
N-S vul, at Matchpoints, you hold as south: ♠A1043 ♥AQ92 ♦A4 ♣732
W ...
N-S vul, at IMPs scoring you hold as South: ♠K854 ♥AK74 ♦KQ32 ♣J
W ...
Intended audience: Intermediate and up
Warning:This can cause nightmares for weeks,...
Intended audience: Intermediate and up
E-W vul, matchpoints, as south you hold: ♠42...
Intended audience: Intermediate and up
Neither vul, matchpoints, as south you hold:...
Neither vul, at IMPs, you hold as south: ♠J6 ♥1097632 ♦53 ♣J106
W ...
Test Your Lead Defence
1, 2, 3
Playing Match Points as North you hold:...
N-S vul, at IMPs, you hold as South: ♠AKJ8764 ♥A ♦J109 ♣K102
W ...
Intended audience: All
Both vul, as south you hold: ♠5 ♥K42 ♦A53 ♣K109842
Test Your Lead Defence
Column 10
N-S vul, Playing Teams as South you...
Intended audience: Newer/Intermediate; All
Both vul, as south you hold: ♠- ♥KJ109432...