Minutes of Meetings

UNIT 181

Present : Unit 181 Board Members: Doug Fisher, Marielle Brentnall, Shirley Galler, John Hindle, Marlene Pontifex, Paulette Migie & Barry Wolk

Meeting called to order 5.40 P.M

1. New items to be added to agenda
Outstanding from previous minutes
John Hindle contacting Teachers re welcome to our unit.
Annual Meeting date change.
Add a to do list to each minutes
Club Owners Meeting

2. Minutes of Meeting February 26, 2014 Moved by Marielle Brentnall, Seconded by Marlene Pontifex Carried
It is to be noted there will be no financial figures reported in any subsequent minutes.

Items from last Minutes:
Fridge: Doug will pick up next week from Costco
Welcome letter will be prepared by Doug Fisher to be handed out to students taking lessons. It was suggested that Unit Board Members should attend some of the classes and welcome these next bridge members.
We need to appoint a Newcomer Chair.

Annual Meeting moved ahead one week MAY 2, 2015 following the Saturday Team Game.

3. Facility Operations Financial Report for February was presented and accepted. Shared costs were tabulated, and the following motion was made to address this . All tables, Facility Games, Tournament Games, Private Club Games will be assessed. Effective July 1 2014.

4.Motion: Facility Accounting of shared expenses for the 6 month period July 1-December 31, 2014 is completed. Actual cost is $1.23 per table based on all tables played during that period. Facility will access a cost of $1.00 per table retroactive to July 1, 2014, as per the Lease Agreement signed by Various Club Owners. This charge will be reviewed at June 30, 2015. Moved by Marielle Brentnall, Seconded by Shirley Galler..Carried.

5. Special Events A Rookie Master Game will be held Wednesday Afternoon April 22, 2015.Sign up sheets will be available at the Bridge Centre Facility.
April Sectional will be held April 16-19, 2015 at the Bridger Centre Facility.

6. CNTC Subsidy Funding, There will be 2 teams A & C attending, plus the one person who was on the winning team who will also go.

Motion: Card Fees only will be paid for this event. Moved by Marlene Pontifex seconded by Paulette Migie

7. Duplimate Machine A new machine is on order. This is a newer model, can use any cards and from testimonials received has been maintenance free for up to 6 years. There is a 5 year warranty covering Parts and Labour. There will be a set of rules for the usage and handling of this new machine put into effect.

8. Bill Treble in absentia presented a motion on Long Term Planning. This is tabled to the next meeting.

9. Spring fund raising: Tabled until next meeting.

10. Rena Coulter Memorial game awaiting date from family.

11. Regional 2016 we are still looking at premises. Tec School will not have an answer re availability until Sept 2015.

12: Club Owners held a meeting at the Facility. Doug Fisher attended briefly.

Next meeting April 23, 2015 at 5.30 PM at the Facility.

To Do List
Letter to Newcomers and Students
Long Term Planning Motion
Rena Coulter Memorial

Meeting adjourned at 7.15 PM moved by Marlene Pontifex seconded by Marielle Brentnall.

Shirley Galler
Recording Secretary.

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