Minutes of Meetings


Present : Unit 181 Board Members: Marielle Brentnall, Doug Fisher, Shirley Galler, Leigh Anne Shafer, Barry Wolk, Keran Sanders, John Hindle, Ray Hornby
Also in attendance Bill Treble

1. No new items added to the agenda
Marielle Brentnall called the meeting to order AT 5.05 PM.

2. Adoption of the agenda: Moved by Doug Fisher, Seconded by Leigh Anne Shafer Carried.

3. Minutes of Meeting April 12,2016 approved as printed. Moved by Doug Fisher, Seconded by Leigh Anne Shafer Carried

4. Amended Minutes of February 9, 2016 approved as amended. Moved by Doug Fisher, Seconded Leigh Annee Shafer

5 No Business arising from the minutes.

6. Bill Treble joined the meeting. Topic of new lease was introduced. He is willing to sign for a 3-4 year’s period clarification required on what date this begins after September 2017 or from date of signing.
Bill brought up the following topics
Maintenance of Duplimate Machine, suggested we have a sign off sheet on the wall with dates and signatures when cleaned. Board agreed and this will be implemented.
Small Vacuum Cleaner needs regular cleaning also suggested a sign off sheet. Board in agreement.

7. Presidents Report: Received E-mails form then Facility Building Owners. No garbage to be left outside our premises. No smoking within 30 feet of Building. This is a City of Wpg By-Law and must be enforced.
E-mail from ACBL re change of name from Bridge at the Centre to Lorraine’s Bridge Club will clarify with Sekhar and if so Web site will need to be updated.
Due to time constraints other items deferred to next meeting.

8. Treasurers Report: Leigh Anne Shafer introduced the subject that she required direction on how to handle times when there is a discrepancy in cash from any source. It was agreed that these items would be brought before the board, and this would become a Board decision and would be handled in writing.
Crocus tournament was very well attended 178.5 tables and showed a profit. Discussion followed about how the Knockouts were handicapped.
Motion: There will be no handicapping for any Knockout games held at Unit 181 Sectionals. Moved Doug Fisher, Seconded John Hindle Carried.
It was also noted that our players are unhappy by not having pre dealt boards for the Knockout Games. Unit 181 will order 2 more sets of Duplicate Boards and will provide pre-dealt hands for the September Tournament.
Subsidies for the upcoming CNTC’s were reviewed.
Motion: That the existing policy of subsidizing be used for 2016. Moved by Leigh Anne Shafer seconded by Keran Sanders. Carried As participants at this event Doug Fisher and John Hindle abstained.
Subsidies are to be reviewed for 2017 CNTC’s. This event will be hosted by Unit 181 and it is expected we will have a large representation of members taking part.

9. Facility Report: Meeting held with Facility Operators April 28, in attendance, Doug and Shirley for the Facility Bill, Sekhar, Alexa for the Operators. Parking is a continuing problem for the Facility Building Owner. They have been very patient with our players, and we will advise them that they can now tow away offenders.
Mentoring reimbursement was introduced and the operators were informed that there would be a motion at the next meeting
Motion Mentoring to be done at the Facility Games. Other clubs can continue to accept mentoring but will no longer be reimbursed for 50% for the Mentor. Moved by Doug Fisher Seconded by Ray Hornby. Carried

10. Special Events No new items

11. Membership Update on the Social Bridge Event planned for May 6, 2016. 75 registered at this date to attend, with more walk ins expected. Everything is well organized and this is an event we all look forward to.

12. Cell Phones ringing at Tournaments are happening more often. Barry will research the existing ACBL policy that is used at Regionals and Nationals and will report back to the Board at the next meeting.

13. Doreen Olsen requested that she be allowed to bring her students to the Facility for their Windup. Granted.

Next Meeting Annual Meeting May 7, 2016, 3.00 PM at the Facility.

To Do List
Grant Application Tourism Manitoba
Cell Phone Policy
Fund Raising Bridge Week 2017
Sign off Sheet Duplimate Machine
Sign off Sheet Small Vacuum Machine

Meeting adjourned at 7.15 PM Moved by Doug Fisher, Seconded by Ray Hornby Carried
Shirley Galler
Recording Secretary . .

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