Minutes of Meetings


Present: Unit 181 Board Members: Marielle Brentnall, Doug Fisher, Shirley Galler, Barry Wolk, Dave West, Ray Hornby, Leigh Anne Shafer, John Hindle, Bob Kuz, Joan Clasen
Also in attendance Bill Treble, Carolyn Douglas, Jenna Tichon, Maarit MacMahon

1. Added to the Agenda Approval of Special Election Meeting June 25, 2016
Marielle Brentnall called the meeting to order at 5.05 PM.
Marielle welcomed the 2 new Board Members Bob Kuz and Joan Clasen

2. Adoption of the agenda: Moved by Dave West, Seconded by Shirley Galler Carried.

3. Election of Officers: Moved by Doug Fisher, Seconded by Bob Kuz that the following
President Marielle Brentnall
First Vice President John Hindle
Second Vice President Marlene Pontifex
Treasurer Leigh Anne Shafer
Secretary Shirley Galler

4.Committe Structure
Special Events Marlene Pontifex, Bob Kuz co- chairs
Membership John Hindle Chair
Facility Operations Doug Fisher Chair
Education/Player Development Leigh Anne Shafer Chair
Communication Joan Clasen Chair
Long Term Planning Marielle Brentnall, Doug Fisher, John Hindle
By Laws Review Shirley Galler will co-ordinate
Fundraising Dave West Chair
Strategic Planning Joan Clasen Chair
Bridge Week 2017 Ray Hornby, Dave Brough, Don Pearsons

5. Minutes of Meeting June 7,2016 approved as printed. Moved by Doug Fisher, Seconded Leigh Anne Shafer Carried.
Note the price of the wooden tables offered for sale should read $10.00 each

6. No Business arising from the minutes.

7. Correspondence/Presidents Report. Another complaint received re conduct of a member. This matter has now been referred to Bob Todd.
Note these items when brought before the board are confidential, the Board refer all such items to the Recorder Bob Todd to be handled and this is not to be a topic of public discussion .
Audrey Grant coordinated with the CBF will be in Winnipeg Sept 25 and 26. All events to be held at the Facility. All events advertised on the Web Site
Learn Bridge in a Day which was scheduled for September 18, 2016 at the Facility will be cancelled. Marielle Brentnall will use that open day to present Bridge in a Day in French in St. Boniface.
We received an inquiry for information on the set up on our Web Site. We were complimented on how nice our web site is.
Marielle was in contact with Sir John Franklin Community Centre re their expansion plans. Information is that the time frame for this expansion will be up to 5 years.

8. Treasures report. Leigh Anne Shafer presented a finalized budget for 2016. Presented Financial Statements to May 31, 2016.
Chairs: A committee will be formed to bring prices and designs of suitable available items. Report to be available at the next Unit Board Meeting.
Moved by Leigh Anne Shafer Seconded by Doug Fisher Carried.

9. Facility Report. No report. A meeting with owners will be held prior to the next Unit Board Meeting.

10. Special Events Bridge Week Dave Brough will report at the next meeting.
Brochures to be produced for the September Sectional.

11. Membership committee report given by John Hindle. 55+ Seniors games held in Brandon in June were attended with a booth set up and 4 of the committee members in attendance. This was not a qualified success. Original venue was not suitable and on day 2 booth was moved over to the Bridge Games Site. John gave a presentation, found there was no interest in having transportation provided to attend Unit 181 Tournaments. Recommended we not return to the Seniors Games.
Presented a proposal to try a Bridge Buddy system. This will promote bridge for the brand new and current intermediate players. To start in September and the unit approves that the Buddy will be provided with tickets for up to 4 free games.
Motion that the Board approves that funds from the Grant be used to provide up to 50 Buddy’s to play 4 games Approximate cost $1800.00 Moved by John Hindle, Seconded by Dave West. Carried.
Membership committee also are planning a procedure where current Supervised Play Games players are encouraged and assisted into moving to the next level of playing in Regular Club Games.
Membership committee are planning an all-day meeting in August.

12. Grant Committee Fred Mykytyshyn and Bob Neudorf will be co-chairs and will handle all reporting.

13. Long Term Planning, meeting of South Winnipeg Community Centre was held June 13, 2016. Shirley Galler and Deloris Ankrom attended. Shirley presented a short report. This project will also take up to 5 years for completion. Information for contacts was passed on to Dave West for follow-up.
Lease for Facility will now be actively pursued. Marielle, Doug and John will meet with the Building Owners and were authorized to enter into a new long term lease.

14. An updated list of special games and events was presented
Sept 8-12 Colors of Autumn Tournament at the Facility
Sept 17 Learn Bridge in a Day in French in St. Boniface Marielle Brentnall
Sept 25-26 Audrey Grant at the Facility
Oct 14 Afternoon ACBL Wide Instant Match Game at the Facility Debbie
Oct 15-16 499 and Non Life Masters Tournament at the Facility Bill Treble
Oct 18 Tues Evening Erin Berry Rookie-Master Game at the Facility Jenna
Oct25-30 Red River Regional Viscount Gort Hotel
Nov 11 Friday Evening Anniversary Celebration at the Facility
Nov 13 Sunday Aft NAP District Final A-B-C at the Facility Ray
Nov 25 Friday Evening Imp Teams Bridge Week Fundraiser at the Facility Dave Brough
All above will be posted on the web site.

15.Audrey Grant event will be promoted by Marielle and John a press release and web site info will be forthcoming.

16. Web site requires a weekly clean up. This requires a volunteer to handle, Doug will coordinate.

Meeting adjourned at 7.10 PM Moved by Doug Fisher, Seconded by Ray Hornby Carried

Shirley Galler

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