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  • Bidding Problems (51)

    Both vul, IMPs at IMPs scoring you hold as south: ♠A K93 AK106 ♣AK1063




    What do you open?




    NOTE:Just to let you know my new book, The Right Bid at the Right Time is has been released and is available for purchase.


    Here is a hand from a recent match between two tops teams in the Canadian Online Teams Championship. Sitting South was a so-called expert. He decided to open 2NT.


    Yes, this is close to the right point count. Yes, this simplifies the auction. Yes, this is one of the worse bids I have seen from a high caliber player.


    Yes, that is unfortunately true. Time and time again I see players showing notrump shape with singletons. (Haven’t seen it with a void yet!) This is lazy bidding. First your auction is easier, but inaccurate. Natural bidding will be beat notrump auctions 9 times out of 10. Another reason players do this is that they can all but guarantee they will be declarer. What that has to do with Partnership Bridge, I am not sure.


    The best bid is 1♣. One bids are up to 21 HCPs. That is what you have. Having said that the only reason I open 1♣ is that your suits are the minors, which are notorious difficult to describe when you have to start at the two level. Better to open 1♣ and make a one round force with 2♦. You can still force to game.


    This hand is VERY good. Much better than your high card will indicate. Much better than a 2NT opener. Give partner ♠xxxx ♥Qx ♦Qxxxx ♣xx and 6♣ is an excellent contract.


    Back to what happened at the table? South got his just desserts in my view. The full deal:




    ♠ Q108764
    ♥ A65
    ♦ 53
    ♣ Q2

    ♠ KJ932
    ♥ QJ10
    ♦ 82
    ♣ J94

    Bridge deal

    ♠ 5
    ♥ 8742
    ♦ QJ974
    ♣ 875


    ♠ A
    ♥ K93
    ♦ AK106
    ♣ AK1063



    North transferred into 4♠, down one when declarer’s play matched his bidding.




    Questions or comments may be sent to me at








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